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descDate Name User Size Description
13:03, 21 March 2022 Labská.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 240 KB (Photo for GraalSpringTour.)
13:03, 21 March 2022 Luční.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 141 KB (Photo for GraalSpringTour.)
07:35, 10 December 2021 Vscodehtmlui.png (file) JaroslavTulach 164 KB (Seven years ago, in 2014 I wanted to unify UI of various IDEs around HTML (see HTML essay). However the motivation to do so was never compelling enough. Using Swing (or SWT) is more natural. Finally, in 2021 we found good enough reason: [[)
12:12, 22 June 2021 Mule.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 83 KB (Copy from wikipedia:File:Grey_Mule_(7104389757).jpg)
12:59, 21 January 2021 20-api-paradoxes.pdf (file) JaroslavTulach 582 KB (Slides for 20ParadoxesAtJDD presentation.)
04:21, 6 May 2020 Nb-pÅ™ed-prádelnou.png (file) JaroslavTulach 373 KB (Photo of the NetBeans team from 1997 soon after the Xelfi student project turned into a company lead by Roman Staněk. )
06:35, 4 April 2020 Mvp.png (file) JaroslavTulach 9 KB (New version with transparent background.)
06:31, 4 April 2020 Mvc.png (file) JaroslavTulach 9 KB (With transparent background)
05:05, 25 February 2020 01-Intro.pdf (file) JaroslavTulach 1.1 MB (First lecture for [PracticalDynamicCompilation])
13:09, 8 October 2017 Xelfi.jpg (file) Apidesign 184 KB (Xelfi IDE running on my very old PowerPC Mac.)
09:34, 1 August 2017 Truffle-interop-polished.png (file) JaroslavTulach 67 KB (Truffle interop API as rewritten by me.)
09:32, 1 August 2017 Truffle-interop-original.png (file) JaroslavTulach 61 KB (Truffle interop API as created by Matthias Grimmer.)
10:12, 29 October 2016 GeeCONKeynoteSpeaker.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 48 KB (Speaking at GeeCON Prague 2016 keynote wearing the typical OracleLabs suite that helps us write CleanCode.)
06:11, 22 October 2016 GeeCONKeynote.jpeg (file) JaroslavTulach 417 KB (Anxious audience just before my GeeCONPrague keynote started.)
03:40, 9 May 2016 MineSweeperControls.jpeg (file) JaroslavTulach 135 KB (ControlsJS version of MineSweeper application.)
11:59, 22 October 2015 REPLwCharts.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 33 KB (Demo of visual REPL for GraalVM)
11:10, 5 October 2015 OracleLabsPragueTeam.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 71 KB (Prague OracleLabs new team members on October 1, 2015.)
11:08, 5 October 2015 Prague2015_small.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 384 KB (OracleLabs during their visit to Prague Oracle office park.)
17:24, 6 August 2015 APICheckList.pdf (file) JaroslavTulach 358 KB (Slides from the JavaOne 2014 presentation that introduced ten easy to remember checks to verify your API is correct. The presentation is available at
15:51, 24 June 2015 TruffleDebugger.png (file) JaroslavTulach 57 KB (Truffle gives you debugger for free! The picture shows NetBeans debugger stopped in middle of '''simple language'' (an artificial language used for demo purposes) method. NetBeans know nothing about '''simple language''' (that is why s)
14:51, 22 January 2015 Typing_in_terms_of_graphs.pdf (file) JaroslavTulach 344 KB (Jaroslav Tulach's master thesis referenced from his CV.)
17:25, 29 September 2014 DukeChoiceAward.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 31 KB (DukeScript has been awarded by Duke Choice Award on Sep 29, 2014.)
07:58, 17 September 2014 CrudDemoEverywhere.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 449 KB (See the CRUD demo being deployed to iPad, Android phone, Safari browser, running in a JavaFX webview and also an iOS simulator.)
10:47, 15 September 2014 MineSweeperDevelop.png (file) JaroslavTulach 206 KB (How to stop playing the MineSweeper game in NetBeans are rather develop own DukeScript application.)
10:25, 23 July 2014 NetBeansPlatformForBeginners.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 71 KB (Cover of new book about the NetBeans Platform.)
06:42, 17 July 2014 PracticalAPIDesignInJapanese.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 128 KB (Lower resolution format of the Japanese translation of TheAPIBook. Btw. I am amazed, the book is about 30% shorter, yet is seems to contain all the content of the original one!)
11:01, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-08-deploy.png (file) JaroslavTulach 45 KB  
11:01, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-08-develop.png (file) JaroslavTulach 162 KB (Illustration picture showing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans)
10:55, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-07-develop.png (file) JaroslavTulach 162 KB (Shows development of DukeScriptInNetBeans and debugging of Java code together with inspecting HTML markup.)
10:40, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-06-nbrwsr.png (file) JaroslavTulach 75 KB (Illustration picture showing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans.)
10:38, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-05-bck2brwsr.png (file) JaroslavTulach 93 KB (Illustration picture describing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans.)
10:36, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-04-ibrwsr.png (file) JaroslavTulach 64 KB (Illustration picture describing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans.)
10:33, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-03-dlvkbrwsr.png (file) JaroslavTulach 67 KB (Illustration picture describing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans)
10:28, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-02-project.png (file) JaroslavTulach 48 KB (Illustration picture showing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans.)
10:25, 18 June 2014 Duke4nb-01-install.png (file) JaroslavTulach 89 KB (Illustration picture describing how to use DukeScriptInNetBeans.)
07:41, 2 June 2014 Apitip-May2014-JapaneseTranslation.mp3 (file) JaroslavTulach 6 KB (Another chat from the API Design Tips series.)
09:57, 21 May 2014 MineSweeper-iOS.png (file) JaroslavTulach 182 KB (MineSweeper running on iOS)
08:29, 10 March 2014 Yoshiki.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 57 KB (Yoshiki with Java celebrities.)
17:07, 21 December 2013 Html4eclipse.png (file) JaroslavTulach 181 KB  
17:05, 21 December 2013 Html5nb.png (file) JaroslavTulach 89 KB  
12:29, 10 December 2013 Ios-3.png (file) JaroslavTulach 95 KB  
11:54, 10 December 2013 Ios-2.png (file) JaroslavTulach 27 KB (JavaFX on iOS via NetBeans)
11:50, 10 December 2013 Ios-1.png (file) JaroslavTulach 23 KB (JavaFX on iOS via NetBeans. Step 1. Create a project.)
12:59, 16 October 2013 Jdd2013.png (file) JaroslavTulach 246 KB (Picture to accompany my language experience at [ JDD 2013] conference.)
03:17, 26 September 2013 J1-2013-htmlforfood.jpg (file) JaroslavTulach 84 KB (JavaOne2013 of the old HtmlForFood trick. This year it worked beautifully!)
17:25, 24 September 2013 Lambdas.png (file) JaroslavTulach 13 KB (Code editor hint showing how NetBeans 7.4 support Lambdas.)
20:55, 15 August 2013 DebugMavenBuild.png (file) JaroslavTulach 84 KB (How to use debugger to analyse what is happening during a Maven build.)
12:04, 14 December 2012 Bck2BrwsrRegistersChrome.png (file) JaroslavTulach 17 KB (The improvement in the speed of Bck2Brwsr virtual machine running on Chrome thanks to rewrite to register based system.)
12:04, 14 December 2012 Bck2BrwsrRegistersFirefox.png (file) JaroslavTulach 20 KB (The improvement in the speed of Bck2Brwsr virtual machine thanks to rewrite to register based system.)
16:13, 1 October 2012 ParadoxesCover.png (file) JaroslavTulach 765 KB (An amazing cover created by Clay. Per my request it carries something from my culture heritage. Josef Lada is a painter that influences childhood of every Czech child. His paintings are a symbol of "home" for those children. I am )

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