Common ground
From APIDesign
Whenever one is bringing two systems together, it is good to have a common ground. We had one when we sneaked NetBeans under JDeveloper (read it here). Now we have DukeScript - the lingua franca between TeaVM, Bck2Brwsr VM, DlvkBrwsr, and more.
There was a NetBeans Day Conference at Munich on Mar 31, 2016. Thomas demonstrated how easy it is to embed OracleJET into existing Swing/JavaFX application via JavaFX WebView - at that moment I hurried up to the stage and showed that DukeScript core has support for that as well and that it has so many benefits that it is clear everybody should be using the JavaScriptBody annotation all the time. However Thomas hasn't got my message - later in a pub I realized why: because when talking about DukeScript I implicitly assume people understand that it is the common ground for integration between Java and JavaScript. Hear my explanation!
Porting JavaFX to iOS
The Java/JavaScript Bridge
Which one?
Lightweight Protocol
JavaScriptBody and callbacks.