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When dealing with objects that produce and consume generic type of unknown bounds, it is necessary to open the type before its use. One can either use an OpenMethod or, in case the open needs to last longer than just during method execution, an OpenClass.

Imagine a generified API to access project configuration:

does not exists: misuse.prjconfig.correct

The getActive' and setActive methods could take ProjectConfiguration class as parameter, but that would not be correct - it would allow a user of the API to take configuration from one project and try to activate it on different one. By use of <Configuration extends ProjectConfiguration> bound, this is prevented. Yet, this very complicates life of clients of this API, as following code:

does not exists: misuse.prjconfig.correct.trivial.access

no longer compiles. The problem is that provider is of unknown bound <?>. Whenever it is used, the compiler uses new unknown bound, as such the call to getter returns one unknown type and the setter needs another unknown type. They are not the same. To work around that, one needs to create new OpenMethod:

does not exists: misuse.prjconfig.correct.openmethod

which opens the provider parameter and binds it to <C> bound. All references to that variable then represent the same type during the method execution or during existence of OpenClass instance:

does not exists: misuse.prjconfig.correct.openclass

This is very annoying and definitely not clueless! As such exposing patterns that require OpenClass or OpenMethod to ClientAPI users is not really recommended.

On the other hand, as Singletonizer pattern shows, using this style in ProviderAPI, where the open is done once by the API infrastructure is quite OK.

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