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Revision as of 01:12, 30 October 2014 by JaroslavTulach (Talk | contribs)
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For a long time users of Bck2Brwsr complained that loading images, or other resources from the browser's HTML page is complicated. With a great delight I can announce that forthcoming version 0.12 contains a solution. It is build around JavaScript Blob support.

In case you have an application class with an image resource next to it, you can:

public static void onPageLoad() throws Exception {
    URL u = Main.class.getResource("yourimg.png");
    // by opening the connection one requests creation of Blob
    URLConnection conn = u.openConnection();
    // the conn.getURL() may actually differ from u
// the browser can really see the URL now:
@JavaScriptBody(args = "url", body = "document.getElementById('img').src = url")
private static native void changeImg(String url);

The conn object in Bck2Brwsr also implements Closeable, so when the URL is no longer needed, it can be freed from browser by (safely) casting and calling close() on it. The full change together with tests is available in Hg history.

The above code works in Bck2Brwsr as well as in FXBrwsr.

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