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The HtmlForFoodCompetition which we run in order to promote TheAPIBook and popularize its major concepts is running towards its end! I have already selected the winner using a complex mathematical operations with a huge contribution of pseudo randomized numbers. Please tune in the next NetBeans Podcast Episode 46 and hear the announcement yourself!

I can only say that the submissions we got were really great:

  • Vincent Cantin was looking so desperately sad.
  • cismet guys provided wide range of variations on the "code" topic.
  • Tonni Epple draw a perfect caricature.
  • Andre Pinto pictured himself with a beautiful selection of languages and "code" sentences.
  • Full Movie was not really submitted for competition, however it is very nice exploration into everyday developers' pains.

Who will win TheAPIBook by providing the best Html For Food picture?


As you may heard already in the podcast, the winners are cismet guys! Congratulation!

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