From APIDesign
NetBeans created AutoUpdate technology in 1999. These days it is a typical system for keeping your Android, [iOS]] or Linux distribution up to date. At the end of last century it was a kind of revolutionary system. Originally the update was driven only through UI, but later we added a command line interface. That allows the installer to use the AutoUpdate to get the most recent of binaries and also download parts of the system that aren't installed by default.
Distributing Undistributable
From time to time NetBeans have problems with licenses. Once we could not distribute Junit because it was using archaic CPL license. Sometimes we don't want to distribute GPL code. AutoUpdate is a perfect way to workaround it. Let's demonstate that on the case of NetBeans Javac.
$ unzip ~/Downloads/ # prepare NetBeans 8.1 $ find netbeans/ | grep nbjavac # find NetBeans Javac binaries netbeans/java/update_tracking/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac.xml netbeans/java/config/Modules/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac.xml netbeans/java/modules/locale/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac_zh_CN.jar netbeans/java/modules/locale/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac_ru.jar netbeans/java/modules/locale/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac_pt_BR.jar netbeans/java/modules/locale/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac_ja.jar netbeans/java/modules/org-netbeans-lib-nbjavac.jar $ find netbeans/ | grep nbjavac | xargs rm # remove them
Now, if you started NetBeans their functionality would be seriously impacted. In fact one couldn't edit any Java source, because all the lexing and parsing of Java code is handled by nbjavac module. However with AutoUpdate, there is an easy fix, just execute:
$ ./netbeans/bin/netbeans --modules --refresh --install .*nbjavac.*
this is the command line interface to AutoUpdate. It instructs it to connect to update centers, and download nbjavac module. Once you restart your NetBeans, the Java editing capabilities are back. This allows us to distribute pure NetBeans without 3rd party libraries and download them only per user request to their computers.