From APIDesign

Revision as of 09:22, 13 May 2011 by JaroslavTulach (Talk | contribs)
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I've just had another Paradoxes of API Design presentation at GeeCON at Krakow. This time I had to talk for three hours. Quite a long talk for an occasional speaker like me. I knew I would need a sugar to handle that. That is why I stood in front of the entrance with HtmlForFood sign and hoped to receive some. And I did receive one candy, one apple and one mandarin. Thanks a lot for the food donation!


As a pay back for this kind of support I decided to donate one copy of TheAPIBook to the audience. Thus I am starting yet another HtmlForFood contest. Dear Geecon 2011 participants, write your signs, take photos, end them to! The copy of TheAPIBook will be given to the most hungry winner on Friday, May 13, 2011.

The list of submitted photos can be found at mailing list archive. Thanks a lot for your participation. I enjoyed the desperate look, the artistic style, the dedicated look and at the end I decided to give TheAPIBook to Damian's desperate arrangement. Thanks a lot for participating.

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