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Antonio said ...

The Design Patterns book by the Gang of Four was inspired in previous work by Christopher Alexander, a well know (building) architect.

Alexander's ideas on "patterns" have been successfully applied to software architecture and to many other areas.

So yes, I'd say there's some sort of MetaDesign, common "Meta Patterns" that you can apply in different areas.

--Antonio 23:06, 10 March 2010 (CET)

Sustak said ...

I wouldn't be so critical about architects. These containers are surely much quiter than the traditional ones and also much nicer (although sometimes surrounded by garbage).

And I wouldn't blame the people who leave the garbage (in fact it's not just garbage, these are containers for separate garbage, plastics, glass and paper). Imagine yourself, you leave your house, two or three bags in your hands hurrying to get to your office on time. You come to the containers and they're full. What do you do? Do you go back home so that you can try again a day later? I seriously doubt you would do that...

So my conclusion would be: Blame waste disposal company!

--Sustak 13:41, 10 May 2010 (CEST)

Re. Imagine yourself, you leave your house - of course, that happened to me many times. I found myself walking in bigger and bigger circles then... As a result I know I should not try to dispose garbage on Monday as every container around is full. That seems to support your blame target and yeah, disposal company could do better.

But I'd like to add: the architect shall make sure the contract with the disposal company is going to cover the amount of garbage produced by the neighborhood. So I am going to continue to blame the architect: For designing something initially nice, and not making sure the beauty will persist over time.

--JaroslavTulach 14:35, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Ravi Sharda said ...

So true (blame...)! I guess this lack of accountability is in some way related to the lack of power (say block a project if it violates the defined architecture) that architects live with. In case of failures, what often gets blamed is the apparent cause (oh! the code was not unit tested properly), but not the root causes (most often architecture and design, ill-understood requirements, etc.).

--Ravi Sharda 11:20, 3 November 2010 (CET)

In Sun we used to have an ARC. It was supposed to oversight the technological decisions and technological decision only. The ARC could even block a project for not fulfilling all the technological requirements. However there always was a way to make a business decision and ship the product anyway (I've seen this few times). The rumour however has it, that when some product team ignored the technical decisions too often and over-used the business decision power, the whole issue was taken up to higher decision levels and such team was forced to align with technical requirements (I have never seen that, probably because nobody ignored the technical objections long enough).

--JaroslavTulach 20:45, 7 November 2010 (UTC)