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The builder pattern is gaining more and more popularity in the APIs that I design: In Truffle API we are trying to use it a lot. For example an instance of the PolyglotEngine is constructed via a builder obtained from its newBuilder() method.

Builder for Source

These days I am trying to use the builder pattern also for construction of Source. Rather than having various (and overloaded) methods with fromFileName, etc. we'd like to have:

Source source = Source.newFromFile(file).

It works fine and allows the users to specify only those properties that are needed - for example one can omit the name - then it would be derived from the name of the file. The same applies to mimetype.

Throw on I/O Error

The builder pattern delays reading of the actual file up until the build() method is called. As reading of a file means an I/O operation and as each I/O operation in Java may yield checked IOException, it is desirable for the build() method to propagate it to the caller:

public Source build() throws IOException {
   // construct and
   return source;

However there is more. The builder may also construct a {{truffle|com/oracle/truffle/api/source|Source} object from already provided text. The usage looks like:

Source source = Source.newFromText("6 * 7").

but in this case there is no I/O operation - e.g. throwing IOException from the build() method isn't appropriate. Doing so would actually expose the biggest flaw of checked exceptions in Java - forcing people to catch them when there is no need/no recovery. Can that be fixed?

Throw only for I/O

The option that I come up with is to parametrize the builder with the exception the build() method is going to throw:

public final class Builder<E extends Exception> {
  public Source build() throws E {
    // construct and/or read the content and
    return source;
  public static Builder<IOException> newFromFile(File file) {
    // ....
  public static Builder<RuntimeException> newFromText(String text) {
    // ...

The actual code is shown at my github commit. It properly encourages users to handle I/O exceptions when needed, but doesn't annoy them when there is no need.

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