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I believe that what is presented in the blog is the result of poor understanding and the attempt to oppose DCI to MVC. From my perspective, DCI is nothing but one of consistent ways of implementing the MVC paradigm. The problem with testing user interfaces based on Swing (as it was mentioned in the previous blog) is that there is no clean separation of the view and controler portions of the triad. Until this changes you'll continue to have headaches with chasing all triads which are involved explicitly or implicitly in your user interface. You may want to look at the 'Naked Objects' approach that tries to separate the presentation layer (based on the reflection) from the business logic. But this may not work for your tasks just because what Richard Pawson et al. do is on top of the existing SDK/JVM or CLR, not at the lower level which you probbaly need when developing user interfaces for IDE.

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