Bck2Brwsr 0.9

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Revision as of 06:34, 10 June 2014 by JaroslavTulach (Talk | contribs)
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Version 0.9 eliminates useless stack assignments. Instead of doing

var stI0 = lcI0;
var stI1 = lcI1;
var stI0 = stI0 + stI1;
return stI0;

the now generated code is

return lcI0 + lcI1;

which is shorter and more human readable. However I doubt the V8 virtual machine sees any benefits - I think the final native code remains the same. But at least the debugging of the generated JavaScript code is now easier - there is less Step Over invocations and it mimics more closely the original Java source.

Optimized the ahead-of-time compilation, so now the http://xelfi.cz/minesweeper/bck2brwsr/ demo starts up instantly. I had to do it, because it was so embarrassing to see TeaVM to boot the same application so quickly: The initial delay is gone, and moreover it downloads necessary libraries in parallel and on background. Now we are ready for next step: share the libraries between different applications.

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