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I will be at JavaOne 2012. I tried to resuscitate few presentations rejected for JavaOne2011. Maybe I shoot too high - right now I have four accepted presentations and one hands-on-lab.


Advanced Annotation Processing with JSR 269

CON3372 @ Hilton San Francisco - Continental Ballroom 5
Tuesday October 2, 10:00 - 11:00

This is a shortened and listen only version of JavaOne2012#Hack_into_Your_Compiler.21 hands-on-lab. I'll talk about advanced use of AnnotationProcessors. I have a lot of code to show (and type) including a case study of writing scalable, boiler plate code free registration of URLStreamHandlers. I will also demo our usage of in-place localization via NbBundle.Messages that eliminates external files all together. In case I have a bit of time left I'll replay the LiveDB demo to enlarge our horizons and show how limitless Java with AnnotationProcessor can be.

Bringing Mylyn to NetBeans and OSGi, Bridging Their Worlds

CON4387 @ Hilton San Francisco - Continental Ballroom 5
Tuesday October 2, 13:00 - 14:00

Mylyn has been re-used in NetBeans IDE since version 6.9. The fact that we adopted OSGi helps us to run Mylyn in its natural environment. It helps that Mylyn code is usually split into two parts - UI independent and the SWT UI - and we can reuse just the UI independent part (sure, NetBeans is Swing based platform). Still, we are reusing Mylyn in a way that was never tried before and we are running into some issues. Stop by to learn how co-operation between NetBeans and Tasktop guys makes Mylyn more flexible!

Software Modularity: Paradoxes, Principles, and Architectures

CON3992 @ Hilton San Francisco - Continental Ballroom 6
October 3, 10:00 - 11:00

I am about to publish new book about Paradoxes of API Design (not a chapter as was in TheAPIBook, but a complete book with twenty chapters revealing sort of paradoxial observations about API design) and I'd like to promote it a bit during JavaOne2012. Andrzej Olszak agreed to help me. His deep theoretical knowledge of design principles useful for producing viable architectures will be confronted with my paradoxes. Stop by to win a discount for the Paradoxes book.

Patterns for Modularity: What Modules Don’t Want You to Know

CON3826 @ Hilton San Francisco - Continental Ballroom 6
October 3, 13:00 - 14:00

This is a third sequel of our patterns for modularity talk. I will join Toni Epple and Zoran Ševarac describing techniques to discover what your modular system tries to hide from your sight. The advices and life demonstrations performed will provide the best tips and tricks to get an amoeba-like beast - e.g. your modular application developed by tens or hundreds of distributed programmers under control.

Hack into Your Compiler!

HOL3925 @ Hilton San Francisco - Franciscan A/B/C/D
Thursday October 4, 11:00 - 13:00

In this hands-on-lab we plan to learn more about JSR-269 and how we can use it to simplify our code, avoid boiler plate code and make our systems more scalable. The hands-on-lab will take two hours and its content is going to be similar to my talk at GeekOut 2012.

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