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Below is a list of the most recent deletions.


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  • 05:56, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Lookup is Everywhere" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: d0b6efbc74d8''' Page 115: only seasoned NetBeans developers will know what <tt>ic</tt> in <tt>ic.add(new ModifiedImpl(this))</tt> stands for. I think you can just drop the example. Page 116: code e)
  • 05:55, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The Need for Cyclic Dependencies" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: b058ea24096e''' Page 113, code example: <tt>encode</tt> should be <tt>encrypt</tt>. And probably it should return a <tt>byte[]</tt>. OK, you claim the example is a bit artificial, so consider this a )
  • 05:55, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Writing an Extension Point" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: bc774fd94cce''' <tt>TipOfTheDay</tt> example: <tt>sayHello</tt> doesn't seem a good name for the method. How about <tt>getTip</tt>? Page 109, para -2,-4: extra "s" in <tt>TipsOfTheDay</tt>. Page 10)
  • 05:55, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Types Of Modular Design" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 134c6f9cad88''' Page 103, para 1: "using some sort of Hashtable" -- <tt>DriverManager</tt> uses <tt>Vector</tt>'s (but sure, you can view it as a dictionary with <tt>O(N)</tt> complexity). The regist)
  • 05:51, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Getting Ready for Growing Parameters" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: f1d73f9490a0''' The <tt>Request/Response</tt> example has a few superfluous usages of <tt>this</tt>. Or perhaps you prefer to prefix all field references with <tt>this</tt> -- that's fine, but it sho)
  • 05:51, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Are Abstract Classes Useful?" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: a578de6e7ceb''' agreed but not in such strong way Static factory methods can be put into a separate noninstantiable class: public interface Tweeter { void tweet(); } public class Tweeters { )
  • 05:51, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "A Method Addition Lover's Heaven" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 24bf47daa023''' The "public final class InstanceProvider" does not make sense as written. The whole point of InstanceProvider is that it is something that has to be implemented, as well as called. If)
  • 05:51, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Comparing Java Interfaces and Classes" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: cd866eaf3b80''' - I've explained something but not all the details. Still you need to know at least a bit of knowledge how the VM stores the objects, or you need to trust me that I know. Your compari)
  • 05:51, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Adding a Method or a Field" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: e368fc1dbe72''' The sentence "Imagine that NetBeans had used a different signature for the aforementioned method..." is a bit hard to read, mostly because of "different". Instead, consider something )
  • 05:46, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Do Not Expose Deep Hierarchies" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ' # Page 85: I really liked the examples about design flaws in Swing. I like that you're teaching people how to design APIs by pointing out both the right way and the wrong way of doing it, particularly when t)
  • 05:46, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Give the Creator of an Object More Rights" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed a bit as 8577a4d13185''' First paragraph: SmallTalk should be Smalltalk. The <tt>Executor</tt> and <tt>Configuration</tt> example: either <tt>Configuration</tt> is a public API class (wrong since i)
  • 05:45, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Allow Access Only From Friend Code" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed: fd5ed0a24e62''' Slightly bad coding style in the accessor example: public final class Item { ... public void setValue(int x) { It is customary to name setter pararameters after the name)
  • 05:45, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Do Not Put Setters Where They Do Not Belong" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed: 884544ab39ec''' This section communicates its point well, but given the popularity of Spring, a mention of IoC is probably warranted. Just referencing the later section on IoC is fine. --User:Rich)
  • 05:45, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Make Everything Final" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed: f8cac2a753b7''' The examples in this section are of little value -- most, if not all, readers know how to override a method. Instead, more useful would be an example of what might go wrong when a cl)
  • 05:44, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "A Factory Is Better Than a Constructor" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed: 68efa8b9841a''' The sentence "you can synchronize better when invoking a factory method" needs more detail. Other reasons for factory methods are well described in Effective Java, but not this one. )
  • 05:44, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "A Method Is Better Than A Field" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Fixed: f4219513dece''' Regarding "public static final constants": # These are not constants at all if the type is neither primitive nor String. Definitely avoid nonconstant fields, even if static and final)
  • 05:41, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Practical Design" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'Most of the advice you present throughout this entire part is specific to Java. It's true that a good number of your points could be applied to other languages, but there's no way that someone who doesn't kno)
  • 05:37, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Functional Compatibility" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* The captions in Figure 5.1 and 5.2, "How we think our applications look like", is not grammatically correct. Use "How we think our applications look", "How it really looks". * Figure 5.3: "in Next Version" )
  • 05:37, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Incremental Improvements" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 67, para 2: "How Many People Have to Die?": ha - I like this expression and may start using it myself! * p 59, para 5: "optimists" => "optimist's" * p 59, para 5: "before big bang and after big band" => ")
  • 05:37, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Life-cycle of an API" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'AndreiBadea: Using Linux kernel as an example of compatible development is a bit adventurous, as kernel developers are proud of having no compatibility. JaroslavTulach true, for their modules and APIs )
  • 05:36, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "API Reviews" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 54, para 3: "commitee. That it needs" => "committee, that it needs" (fix spelling, sentence fragment) * p 54, para 5: "users. Also, that" => "users, and also that" (fix sentence fragment) * p 54, para -4: )
  • 05:36, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The Importance of Being Usecase Oriented" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* section title: "Usecase Oriented" => "Use Case Oriented" or "Use Case-Oriented" * p 51, para -2: "usecase oriented" => "use case oriented" or "use case-oriented" * p 51, para -2: "Anyway," => "In any case," )
  • 05:35, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Backward Compatibility" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 41, para -2: "the same name and also arguments" => "the same name and arguments" * p 41, para -2: "but different return type" => "but a different return type" * p 41, para -2: "the Java languages" => "the )
  • 05:35, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Source Compatibility" ‎ (Author request: content was: '* "becamed" -> "became" --Dmkoelle 21:57, 4 April 2008 (UTC)' (and the only contributor was 'Dmkoelle'))
  • 05:34, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The first version is never perfect" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 40, para 3: "the first version is never perfect": why is this quoted? Who are you quoting? If you mean to emphasize this, italics are a better choice. See e.g.
  • 05:32, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Preservation of Investment" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* "The more developers use, for example, the" -> "For example, the more programmers who use the" --Dmkoelle 21:56, 4 April 2008 (UTC)')
  • 05:31, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Wide Definition of APIs" ‎ (Author request: content was: '* p. 34: "hard to grasp" => "hard-to-grasp" --AdamDingle 01:08, 28 March 2008 (UTC) I have a feeling this section isn't completed, either. --Dmkoelle 21:53, 4 April 2008 (UTC)')
  • 05:31, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "I18N support and L10N messages" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* The title should include the full words "internationalization" and "localization"; the terms I18N and L10N are very informal and are appropriate for a whiteboard discussion, but not a book heading * p 33, pa)
  • 05:30, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Behavior" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 32, para -2 (i.e. second to last): "the blackbox building blocks": delete "the" * p 32, para -2: "it usually isn't,": replace comma with colon * p 33, para 2: "non null" => "non-null" --[[User:AdamDingle|)
  • 05:30, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Protocols" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 30, para 4: "Quite similar, yet slightly different to textual and file based APIs are protocols": this word order seems slightly unnatural. I might somewhat prefer "Protocols are quite similar to textual )
  • 05:29, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Text Messages As APIs" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'I guess you meant that people should be using FileUtil.toFile, not FileObject.getPath, in lieu of FileObject.toString. getPath is in fact another example of a method returning a string which looks like it coul)
  • 05:29, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Environment Variables and Command Line Options" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'The CWD for a process is ''not'' determined by the PWD environment variable. It is the other way around. In fact few Unix utility programs pay much attention to env vars (POSIXLY_CORRECT excepted). At least in)
  • 05:28, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Files and Their Content" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'Most of the caveats I mentioned in relation to reflection in the previous section could be applied equally to file-based configuration. --JesseGlick 23:27, 26 March 2008 (UTC) * pg 26, la)
  • 05:28, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Method and Field Signatures" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'This might be a good place to mention the less obvious drawbacks of using reflection as an intentional part of an API. # It is too easy to bypass normal Java access control. # IDE tools such as Find Usages wi)
  • 05:25, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The First Version is Always Easy" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* On page 24, your analogy between API evolution and free speech / human rights seems a bit strained. I'd probably just skip this. * pg 23, para 3: "you firstly need" => "you first need" * pg 23, para 4: "goo)
  • 05:25, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Empirical Programming" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* "Empiristic" is a strange word; if it is a word at all then it's very rarely used. I suggest using the word "empirical" instead, and hence titling the section "Empirical Programming". --[[User:AdamDingle|A)
  • 05:24, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "It is All about Communication" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* p 20, para 4: "set up" => "setup" * p 20, para 5: "such modules, needs to discover": delete comma * p 21, para 2: "face to face or ear to ear" => "face-to-face or ear-to-ear" * p 21, para -2 (i.e. second fro)
  • 05:24, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Non-linear Versioning" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* pg 19, para 3: "One can request presence" => "One can request the presence" * pg 19, para 3: "installation of a database" => "the installation of a database" * pg 19, para 3: "a text editor or web browser ma)
  • 05:23, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Modularizing Applications" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'AndreiBadea: Mention also dpkg next to rpm ---- Regarding dep autodiscovery by rpmbuild, I should point out that [ Nix] is capable of doing "hard" dependency discovery: it is (nearly))
  • 05:22, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Distributed Development" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'Good, reads fairly well. * "it is almost essential for the success of clueless reuse to let the APIs closely reflect the internals of such libraries" - while this is definitely true in some cases, in other ca)
  • 05:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "More Cluelessness!" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* (wording) pg 10, para 5: "without full understanding" => "without a full understanding" * (wording) pg 11, para 1: "understand chemistry to clean" => "understand chemistry in order to clean" * (grammar) pg 1)
  • 05:19, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Beauty, Truth and Elegance" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* Relativistic geometry is no less geometrical, and certainly no less "beautiful", than Euclidean. Simply a different set of equations. ** True, from today's perspective. However everyone who believes that a s)
  • 05:19, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Gigantic Building Blocks" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ' On this section, I disagree with Jesse. It's only one page, and I think it communicates a very important concept which you refer to in the rest of the book. Also, I recently interviewed with Amazon, for a j)
  • 05:18, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Evolution of Software so Far" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* I agree that this is all a bit long: by this point in the book I was saying to myself "when is he going to finish with the philosophy and history and start giving concrete advice about API design?" Consider)
  • 05:18, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Rationalism, Empiricism, and Cluelessness" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''e290520a0df8''' - I have expanded this section based on your comments * Can this section be deleted please? --JesseGlick 03:51, 25 March 2008 (UTC) * I agree that this section is over)
  • 05:15, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Prologue" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'AndreiBadea "The more clueless we are, the more reliable the system is" Perfect, used in '''ba14bb71e811'''')
  • 05:13, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "API Design is Different" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: '* I felt the analogy in the first paragraph went on for too long. * Punc: Pg 3, Para 1 (i.e., first full paragraph) - should be semicolon (;) before HOWEVER * Delete: Pg 3, Para 2: Don't need "Well, obviously.)
  • 05:11, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Who Should Read This Book?" ‎ (Author request: content before blanking was: 'AndreiBadea Smalltalk and not SmallTalk I can hardly agree that our APIs are "relatively consistent". This is simply not true when you compare them to APIs for similar purposes. A brief examination of jus)
  • 05:10, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Is this useful only for Java?" ‎ (Author request: content was: 'Accepted your comments as '''94a6e5507b7b''' and '''4f5e39a6dde1''', thank you all. AndreiBadea: Smalltalk and not SmallTalk "that APIs like to have for free" - I guess this is supposed to be some kind of pun but it do)
  • 21:49, 13 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Learning to Write APIs" ‎ (Author request: content was: '* Last sentence: The short answer is, "Yes, you should read this book!" - but that wasn't the question! The question of whether one should read the book was a couple of chapters ago. But the most recent question was, "Is th)

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