Deletion log
From APIDesign
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
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- 06:52, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:PartII" (content before blanking was: '== Practical Design == Dear Reviewers Thanks for your comments in ReviewPartI, now you have a chance to review something real, something that contains a lot examples and also a lot of claims that need to be valid...')
- 06:52, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:PartI" (content before blanking was: '== Prologue, Theory and Justifications == Please read the part and provide your comments here by ''Apr 3, 2008''. Sections prefixed with Image:Ok.png are already processed. If you modify a section marked as Image:O...')
- 06:49, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:AdamDingleNotes" (content before blanking was: 'Jarda, I've now finished reading your entire book and so I'll put some overall feedback here (for lack of a better place). You obviously have years of experience in the trenches of API design for a large, complex and ev...')
- 06:49, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:RichUngerNotes" (content before blanking was: 'Who is your audience? Is it programmers who are just starting on API design? It reads more like a treatise meant to convince people who think they're already API-design experts that your way is better. Don't you have a...')
- 06:49, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:MartinRinardNotes" (content before blanking was: ' Hi Jaroslav. I read part1.pdf. There is some very good material in here and I think it has the potential to be a very important contribution. However, you need to make some pretty substantial changes for it to realiz...')
- 06:43, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reviewers:TomWheelerNotes" (content before blanking was: '== General notes about the book == The following are some comments or observations which apply to the book in general, rather than to any specific chapter. * Brevity Most of the material is much more verbose than requir...')
- 06:40, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Role of Education" (content before blanking was: 'I can't help but think that the two "Note" call-outs in this section, so close to the end of the book, will be glossed over by most readers. Could both of these Notes be shortened? --Dmkoelle 03:09, 23...')
- 06:40, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Languages Ready for Evolution" (content before blanking was: 'You mention compilers here quickly. I could actually imagine that a NetBeans plugin might be the most natural place for API design/development pointers to exist. For example, I could imagine an "API Design >" menu item...')
- 06:40, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Principia Informatica" (content before blanking was: 'This entire section seems too philosophical. I might skip it all. Saying that you hoped your book would be like Newton's Principia Mathematica is sort of like a composer saying that he hopes his work will be another Bee...')
- 06:36, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Splitting Monolithic APIs" (content before blanking was: 'In the <tt>TopManager</tt> example it would perhaps make sense to mention that you want to remove <tt>TopManager</tt>. --AndreiBadea 13:18, 23 April 2008 (UTC) The section on bytecode patching does...')
- 06:36, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Importance of Module Dependencies" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 646c80dd9887''' "it is enough to specify a trigger ModuleAutoDeps": probably incomprehensible for non-NetBeans developers. --AndreiBadea 13:16, 23 April 2008 (UTC)')
- 06:34, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Syntactic Sugar" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 47a774813dc9''' "sugar" not "suggar" --Dmkoelle 02:51, 23 April 2008 (UTC)')
- 06:34, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Triple Dispatch" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 63380b03e629''' "triple" not "tripple" --Dmkoelle 02:51, 23 April 2008 (UTC)')
- 06:34, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Non-Monotonic Evolution" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 499a5aa967f6''' I forget if you introduced the term "non-monotonic" in an earlier section. I don't understand what it means here. A more clearly understandable term might be more appropriate. --User:Dmkoell...')
- 06:34, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Default Traversal" (content before blanking was: 'I believe I stated this before, but 'cnt' is probably not a great variable name given its similarity to a rude word in English. --TomWheeler Wed Apr 23 20:38:48 CDT 2008')
- 06:28, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Big Brother Never Sleeps" (content before blanking was: 'The section "NetBeans Javadoc Extensions" seems a bit too NetBeans-specific. --AdamDingle 17:14, 20 April 2008 (UTC) Calling this section "Big Brother" sounds quite ominous. Regarding the code cov...')
- 06:28, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Accepting API Patches" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 4ac1d0cf7071''' "However, if you ask for reasonable coverage of code lines changed by the patch, you may be confident that at least the basic functionality is acceptable." True, but it's quite possible that it ...')
- 06:28, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Organizing Reviews Before Committing Code" (content before blanking was: 'I'm sure you've already tried, but if you could try just a little harder to remember the API change or problem that you express in the "Unconsciousness" Note, I think this will be a stronger point. --User:Dmkoelle|Dmko...')
- 06:25, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Bridges and the Coexistence of Similar APIs" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 77c883d5bef7''' There is a <tt>NOI18N</tt> tag in the <tt>CountingDigestor</tt> example which won't make any sense to most readers. <tt>StackOverFlowException</tt> is actually <tt>StackOverflowError)
- 06:25, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Alternative Behavior" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: c3a60ff54b9f''' This section is making me wonder whether you believe, and will talk about, using version numbers effectively in releasing APIs. For example, "Users should expect no API changes betwe)
- 06:24, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Resuscitating Broken Libraries" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: c3a60ff54b9f''' --Dmkoelle 02:07, 22 April 2008 (UTC) * I didn't understand the use of random testing. ** Thanks for pointing this out, the topic really needed more explanation. *)
- 06:24, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Conscious vs. Unconscious Upgrades" (Author request: content before blanking was: 'This section pretty much says the same thing as the previous section "An API Must Be 100% Compatible" - yes? --AdamDingle 17:12, 20 April 2008 (UTC) Maybe worthwhile to mention the excell)
- 06:21, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Overcoming the Fear of Committing to a Stable API" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: b8785512bd80''' Your paragraph about the knights' rendezvous in Paris seems like a tangent and is overly general; I might skip this. Your text about the Czech National Bank also seems to ramble a bi)
- 06:21, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The Invisible Job" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 9718e02b9cc9''' I think the comparison between a API development supervisor and an airport security agent is a little steep. "How similar this is" seems like quite a stretch, particularly to people )
- 06:21, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Doublethink" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 9718e02b9cc9''' In my opinion the term "doublethink" is a bit odd here and only serves to confuse the reader. The first couple of paragraphs are a little confusing, since the first paragraph says t)
- 06:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Needs To Be Symmetrical" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: b9bb4d8dabdc''' I would argue that this could equally be called, "An API Needs To Be Poetic"! What you describe as symmetry, I see as poetry. We both agree that we're talking about consistency, wit)
- 06:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Must Be 100% Compatible" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: ff62b69290ec''' Some of the text about the API Fest game here is a slightly confusing, because the reader hasn't yet read the chapter about that game and doesn't know, for example, what it means to e)
- 06:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Has To Have Good Performance" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: bec788274d94''' "these objects now stay in 'young generation'" - I didn't understand this phrase. "premature optimization is the root of all evil" is attributable to someone. Donald Knuth, I believ)
- 06:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Has To Be Simple" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 80237ec08742''' You say that "the GNOME file chooser dialog is optimized for newcomers, while being too limited for power users. .. even something as simple as using the keyboard to type a filename)
- 06:20, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Has To Be Correct" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 6c71b0b89bc9''' I completely agree that Java should have methods which can read an entire file into a string or read lines of a file as an enumeration. I agree that the class would be )
- 06:19, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "An API Must Be Beautiful" (Author request: content before blanking was: '"deprecations decrease coolness" - I'm slightly uncomfortable with this because (1) I'm not used to seeing the word "deprecated" in this form; (2) deprecated code is not the only problem an API can suffer; (3))
- 06:17, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Part 3: Daily Life" (Author request: content was: '#REDIRECT Reviewers:AdamDingleNotes' (and the only contributor was 'Apidesign'))
- 06:07, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Make Objects Immutable" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: e661a5406278''' Page 212, code example: <tt></tt> is read without synchronization, but written under <tt>synchronized</tt>. --AndreiBadea 15:08, 14 April 2008 (UTC)')
- 06:07, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Compatibility of Documents" (content before blanking was: ''''Done: 9317dae3eee7''' The assertion that XML and properties documents are self-documenting is a bit overstated. I wouldn't want to touch NB windows systems config xml files without documentation! --User:RichUnger...')
- 06:06, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Memory Management" (Author request: content before blanking was: '* Page 204: In paragraph 2 you introduce a new term "inversion of references" while in the next paragraph you write "injection of references." It seemed like you meant the same thing in both cases so the term)
- 06:06, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Prepare for Reentrant Calls" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: c7fdccf6ac6d''' * Page 201: In the second code listing, what type is "cnt"? This variable is never declared AFAIK. And by the way, it's a bad choice for a variable name as it is only one missing le)
- 06:06, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Synchronization and Deadlocks" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: bb7047d0a4d0''' - I think Andrei found very important problem: The system that breaks one of the conditions for deadlock is '''deadlock-proof''' system not '''deadlock-prone''' system, forgive poor no)
- 06:04, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Reliability and Cluelessness" (content was: 'Perhaps this section should be under the testing chapter. Page 175, para 1: "buried dialog", "a few faithful end users", "hidden features". The tone is t...' (and the only contributor was 'AndreiBadea'))
- 06:04, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Fixing Odyssey" (Author request: content was: 'Perhaps this section should be under the testing chapter. Page 173, para -1: since you mention year 2006, do you have a specific X server issue in mind? ...' (and the only contributor was '[[Special:Contributions/AndreiBadea)
- 06:03, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Beware of Using Other APIs" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: acc761a59107''' Page 147, para 2: Java collections use <tt>size</tt>, not <tt>getSize</tt>. Also the Javadoc refers to the Collections API as to "Collections Framework". Page 147, para -1: the 2.2 k)
- 06:03, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Enforcing Consistency of APIs" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: f69d2163f4c8''' Page 154, code example: bad indentation of the class header. Having a final class whose all methods return null really is bulletproof, but it can also confuse the reader. Please cons)
- 06:03, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Prevent Misuses of the API" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 414c75f60371''' Page 161, para -2: "Javadoc" instead of "JavaDoc". Page 162, code example: <tt>public</tt> not used on interface methods -- inconsistent with other sections. Also, whether to make <t)
- 06:03, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Do Not Overuse the JavaBeans Listener Pattern" (Author request: content before blanking was: 'I would argue this is a good example of a case where your definition of cluelessness doesn't match the one of most Java developers out there. People are so used to implementing listener support, that even the )
- 06:03, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Delegation and Composition" (Author request: content before blanking was: 'Page 155, <tt>Arithmetica</tt> code example: it is prone to overflows, and <tt>sumRange</tt> can throw <tt>NegativeArraySizeException</tt>. OK, this is probably a nitpick and readers will understand that it's )
- 06:00, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Good Tools make any API easier" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 1f7473745841''' - more emphasis on testing This section doesn't deal with testing as much as with the idea that wizards lower the learning curve of the API. --AndreiBadea 14:01,)
- 06:00, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "The fade of specification" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 03f60f4d2ef8''' Page 140, para -3: "Hotspot" should be "HotSpot". --AndreiBadea Some re-implementations occur even in OSS (integer-only OGG, for example). There are technical )
- 05:58, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Writer Evolution between Java 1.4 and 1.5" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: cc4e959ec9de''' Page 124, <tt>CountingWriter</tt> code example: <tt>@author</tt> tag probably not needed. Page 126, code example: <tt>convertChar</tt> is a very bad name for the function -- it does)
- 05:58, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Split Your API Reasonably" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 70c0c4836a28''' Page 134, para -2: "masterfs" will only make sense to NetBeans developers. Why not use "master filesystem" instead? --AndreiBadea 13:52, 8 April 2008 (UTC) Pag)
- 05:58, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Expressing API/SPI in C and Java" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: 4b040ec30843''' Page 121: <tt>xmms_register_playback</tt> should take a <tt>(void)(*f)(char*)</tt> parameter (note the order of <tt>*</tt> and <tt>f</tt>). Moreover, the parentheses around <tt>void<)
- 05:56, 14 June 2008 Apidesign (Talk | contribs) deleted "Intercomponent Lookup and Communication" (Author request: content before blanking was: ''''Done: dd09dc43619c''' - I am currently rewriting this part to reflect your comments. As the topic is quite alive, I have also created a dedicated online page for this called Injection. Page 104, para -)