Bck2Brwsr 0.10
From APIDesign
Using Object.defineProperty to make sure the JavaScript Object has all the methods of Object, while those methods do not show up during iteration
for (var p in anObject) { console.log('A prop found ' + p); }
The AOT mode has support for JDK8's Lambdas. Following methods properly return "XXXXXXXXXX" in Bck2Brwsr 0.10:
private static void fewTimes(Runnable r, int cnt) { while (cnt-- > 0) { r.run(); } } public static String compound() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); fewTimes(() -> sb.append('X'), 10); return sb.toString(); }
Support for JDK8 defender and interface static methods. In the following example the method defaultValue properly returns 42 in Bck2Brwsr 0.10:
public interface Value { public static int staticValue(Value v) { return v.value(); } public default int value() { return 42; } public static int defaultValue() { return staticValue(new Value() {}); } }