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Bugzilla is a bug tracking system backed by SQL database. Many open source projects use Bugzilla. NetBeans uses it too.


Throw Away Your Bugtracking System

I've noticed very nice and inspiring article few months ago. It somehow captures what I always felt deep inside of me: Leaving tons of bugs open is useless.

In March 2010 I started to practise this new bug fixing life style by announcing that I will close every issue I find that does not match the project owner expectations. I started with 300 bugs in modules of my responsibility back then. Now, half a year ago I have 15 open issues. I did what I could with issues laying around for ages. Some of them came back to me, so I needed to try once again, but overall I think the article was right: It does not make any sense to keep issues open.

Either fix them, if they are producible. Or enhance logging and close as worksforme and wait. Or give up and honestly say that you don't care (e.g. close as won'tfix). One question however remains: who's the project owner on an open source project like NetBeans?

Open source Project Owners

The NetBeans bugzilla is full of issues that nobody addresses. The team is always unsure what to do with them. On one side, there is a desire is to resolve them - our release dashboard looks bad with few thousands of P3 or P4 bugs (which are usually enhancements anyway). On the other side, we are tempted to believe that one day someone will take over the bug and thus we shall leave it open.

As far as my experience says, nobody ever took a bug just because it was open. Those issues just annoy all of us for ages. From time to time, there is a business need (e.g. someone is willing to pay) to solve some of them, but that happens with issues resolved as won'tfix as well. It is easy to reopen them in such situation. There does not seem to be a value in keeping issues nobody plans to work on open.

The throw away your bug tracking system article is really inspiring. I understand NetBeans is not real agile project, but never the less, we apply some agile principles. Does an enhancement violate expectations of product owner? Who can decide that?

First of all, we need to seek product owner. Product owner is the one who can make decisions about the product. Certainly my employer can tell me what to do. If my company thought some behaviour violates expectations, I'd had to fix it. This is clear. But who can be a product owner in a open source project like NetBeans?

In a open community, probably everyone can ask to be seen as a product owner. However, as product owner has to be able to make decisions, it is proper to ask what kind of decisions a community member can make? Well, a community member can decide and choose level of its own participation in the project. In particular, every open source contributor can decided how much help one can donate to eliminate the violation that one perceives.

In order to keep open source open, it is important to respect everyone's right to eliminate such violations. However one has to act, not just talk. In open source, it is the code that counts. If one is not able to contribute that, then we need to question whether such person can play role of "product owner".

User Point of View

Of course, users of open source products may feel differently. By rejecting to track enhancements and honestly closing them (as there is no project owner that would be willing to sponsor the work), one risk loosing the community. The previous section mentioned that code is the only thing that counts. That was exaggeration. Community counts as well. Thus the throw away your bugzilla position balances on the edge of making community more proactive, and loosing it.

Certainly, with IDEs, users are mostly software developers themselves, and therefore are more likely to have the skills to contribute to the development. As opposed to, say, KDE users. However this does not make much difference. We even tried to exploit the development power in our users. But so far (e.g. after ten years of NetBeans IDE existence) no luck. Time to give up. From this perspective a bug reported by a random KDE user is no difference than a bug reported by random NetBeans IDE user.

On the other hand, what is different is the attitude, honesty. My experience with mega sized open source projects like KDE is that when I report a bug for Amarok, Kopete, Xine or other related projects, people people don't say "fix it". Rather than that people say nothing. There is just a uniform: silence! That experience leads me to conclusion: most of the open source projects just ignore requests that don't fit into their plans. I'd say, this is wrong. I'd rather see a honest response: we don't care. Few basic hints (for example I don't know how to debug various libxine.so libraries) would help too. If there was a buddy to help me with initial steps, I could solve the problem myself and donate to the product. But nothing. Just a silence for months. Then they close the bug with worksforme or incomplete status.

Two Issue Trackers

The basic difference between throwing away bugzilla and keeping all user wishes in a database is in the purpose of the bug tracking system. The agile teams either don't need it at all, or need it only for short time issues. In case of open source teams that like to be agile, the bugzilla is perfect for communication with users, commenting, attaching, tracking status.

It can also contains tons of issues that represent user wishes, but as argued in the throw away essay, this almost useless. Why? Because these don't have a sponsor, no project owner decided to accept them.

Still there are users that would likely pay for their issues to be resolved, within their financial possibilities, if that would get them a higher quality product. They care about the issues and contribute to the project ecosystem by reporting the issues. They don't care whether there is a project owner to treat their issues right. In the end, software is for made for its users. Users mostly don't write the specifications. If something violates common user expectations, or has some other usability flaw, it is a defect of the software no matter what. If it doesn't violate the specification, then it is a specification bug or omission.

Tracking such feature requests (which are not seen as bugs by any active Project Owner) will result in thousands of valid enhancements reports. However that goes directly about the approach of throwing them away. What can be done about that? Maybe we need two bug trackers, one for bugs against the specification, and another one for specification bugs?

Bounty System

For open source project it makes sense to create a system when people willing to become Project Owners (or at least a feature owner) can meet those who want to do the work for them. This is slightly different bug tracking system than bugzilla. We tried to implement it few times under the name of NbBounty (but never finished it).

The system is not complex however. From one side the feature owners can throw in their coins in to motivate someone else to implement features they would like to see. Bugs still belong to bugzilla, but feature requests need to be supported by bucks. In current society money are common and good indicator of engagement. Open source projects need a way to find perils among the dust, by sorting the feature requests by amount of available donations, the developers can make a qualified judgement and choose those that are worth to implement (worth in terms of usefulness as well as available reward).

Maybe we don't need special bounty system. Let's just close issues without project owner as wontfix and add a white board status donation-required. Users can then add a comment describing the amount of $ they are willing to donate if the issue is implemented. This requires a bit of trust, but for begging it might be enough. Of course we need to change the way we think about meaning of won'tfix. It does not predict the future, it does not mean "the issue does not and will not ever deserve to get fixed." For such bugs bugzilla is using invalid status. Issue marked "won't fix" means a valid problem, but one that nobody currently doing work on the software cares about.

Actually I have a little illustrate story about this donation system. Niklas, who made me wrote this whole essay just replied:

me: Anyway get ready for your issue to be closed unless you promise to donate a buck.
niklas: I'm ready for it to be closed. :)
niklas: And given a donation system, there are more important issues I'd want to be addressed first.

This is exactly the feedback every open source project needs! Clearly there is a wish and clearly nobody wants to sponsor its development. What else this issue deserves than won'tfix status and donation-required remark?

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