From APIDesign
GWT has a lot of drawbacks which Bck2Brwsr project addresses by being a real JVM. As such there is a value in migrating to this new system. Moreover the migration is quite easy. Let me give you a demo.
GWT Project
The primary focus right now is to show that the GWT Java to JavaScript native interface methods can easily be migrated to real HotSpot virtual machine. Imagine following application that talks directly to JavaScript in the browser:
public class ButtonApp implements Runnable { public static void onLoad() { alert("Initializing..."); html("<button id='x'>Click me!</button>"); onClick("x", new Runnable() { public void run() { alert("Button was clicked!"); later(new ButtonApp(), 1000); } }); } public void run() { alert("One second after that!"); } public static native void later(Runnable r, int time) /*-{ window.setTimeout(function() { r.@java.lang.Runnable::run()(); }, time); }-*/; public static native void html(String html) /*-{ var b = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; b.innerHTML = html; }-*/; public static native void alert(String msg) /*-{ alert(msg); }-*/; public static native void onClick(String id, Runnable r) /*-{ document.getElementById(id).onclick = function() { r.@java.lang.Runnable::run()(); }; }-*/; }
Of course, this is not typical GWT application. It does not use GWT widgets library. True, but the point is different: we want to see if we can convert the low level JSNI comments into something that can run on top of real JDK. Because if we can, reimplementing the widgets or other libraries is then just a bit of work.