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(Comment provided by bypeAnebamn - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by Esselepem - via ArticleComments extension)
Line 194: Line 194:
--bypeAnebamn 13:53, 24 May 2013 (CEST)
--bypeAnebamn 13:53, 24 May 2013 (CEST)
== Esselepem said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Artificial Jordans Available for sale * Keep an eye out
--Esselepem 22:25, 24 May 2013 (CEST)

Revision as of 20:25, 24 May 2013

Comments on Blogs


Casper Bang said ...

I was curious as to know how come, in a book strictly about API design in Java, you do not mention exceptions (particular checked exceptions) and the role they play in documenting assertions vs. hampering versionability. Did you simply think this to be too controversial an issue I wonder?

--Casper Bang 05:17, 5 September 2008 (CEST)

Interesting question. My guess is that I never had problems following suggestions related to usage of exceptions provided by others. I used exceptions in many ways in my APIs and as far as I can tell they evolve like other classes. The other area is usage of exceptions in own method definitions and here one needs to optimize for the understanding of users of the API. That is vague statement, but I do not have any practical advices ready now. I'll think about it in future. Thanks for your comment.

--JaroslavTulach 14:48, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

"yet it seems that there is no language in the world that would make this easy" Is this really a language problem? I think it's a tool and communication problem. You want a tool that communicates to you that the change you're about to make will result in incompatibilities with your previous consumers. We can even imagine that they could be notified that you are doing this, which might permit them to notify their own consumers in some way. The gnarliest problem here is illustrated in this scenario- imagine you used this tool and it notified the distributed developers and happily enough they all got the memo. How are they supposed to communicate anything so technical as "you can't download the latest version of such and such library because your program that you bought from us (remember us?) will stop working properly".

A lot of interesting programming problems aren't really programming problems, they're user interface problems. Almost all of the API book is an attempt to deal with limitations on our ability to process information. The reason that's germane is because a lot of problems that have information processing limitations as their root cause, as opposed to say limitations in our ability to measure the position of a particle or limitations in the strength of materials, can be dealt with through the magic of user interface engineering.

Continued on.... <a href=""> Lambda the Ultimate </a>

Daniella said ...

I know this web site presents quality based articles and extra information, is there any other web page which presents these stuff in quality?

--Daniella 03:54, 17 April 2012 (CEST)

Jeremy said ...

Hello to every one, as I am actually keen of reading this website's post to be updated regularly. It includes fastidious material.

-- Jeremy 14:15, 18 April 2012 (CEST)

Merle said ...

Exactly where could I find this particular Wephorum platform FOR ?

--Albertina1960 02:52, 7 September 2012 (CEST)

I don't think we have any webforum. --Apidesign 07:32, 7 September 2012 (UTC)

To remove:

Pharme730 said ...

Hello! gakdebe interesting gakdebe site! I'm really like it! Very, very gakdebe good! 

--Pharme730 08:49, 25 January 2013 (CET)

NuttGause said ...

Why Kristen Stewart had crutches at the Oscar? According to Stewart's make-up artist, Beau Nelson, the actress hurt herself after stepping on glass.

--NuttGause 17:14, 27 February 2013 (CET)

NuttGause said ...

Why Kristen Stewart had crutches at the Oscar? According to Stewart's distinctive artist, Beau Nelson, the actress trenchant herself after stepping on glass.

--NuttGause 21:55, 12 March 2013 (CET)

components weeda said ...

Ukraine Distributor of obsolete & military electronics & electronic components.

Best wishes,


please contact us: 

fax: + skype: radiodetali123

--components weeda 00:57, 18 March 2013 (CET)

hierdegisbure said ...

Здравствуйте уважаемые пользователи. Занимаюсь созданием сайтов на Wordpress "под ключ". В работе использую премиум-шаблоны ( можно и стандартные ) Структура сайтов выглядит следующим образом:

Контент сайта: - Все статьи имеют ЧПУ. - Отложенная публикация материалов. - К каждой статье вручную составляется "description" и "keywords". - Все статьи сопровождаются изображениями и тематическим видео.

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Сейчас нельзя проводить свадьбу не имея аксессуаров для свадьбы. Букет невесты , так же как и другие элементы свадебной флористики , является неотъемлемым атрибутом Вашего торжества. При выборе свадебного букета необходимо учесть огромное количество тонкостей . Верно составленный букет невесты сделает Ваш праздник неотразимым .

Пишите . Лучшие специалисты всегда будут рады помочь Вам. 08:08, 13 May 2013 (CEST)

BEAURFBAR said ...

I used to read a great deal of books but now I surf the internet looking for really good blogs like this one to read. this was a good read thanks!

--BEAURFBAR 07:44, 19 May 2013 (CEST)

Zerebeesy said ...

>These {don't do|avoid|do not do|be careful} {that|which|in which|that will},{"|Inch|Inches|In .} {she|the lady|your woman|the girl} {said|stated|mentioned|explained}.

Much {of the|from the|with the|in the} {manufacturing|production|producing|making} {work for|work with|benefit|help} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {rifles|guns|weapons|sniper rifles} {Wedding|Wedding ceremony|Marriage ceremony|Wedding party} {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers|Shoes or boots} {done in|completed in|carried out|carried out in} Sedalia {in different|in various|in numerous|in several} {locations|#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D1\key.txt,1,N]

--Zerebeesy 07:20, 23 May 2013 (CEST)

Esselepem said ...

  1. file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] {tours|excursions|trips|travels} {and|as well as|and also|along with} excursions
    - {All|Just about all|Almost all|Most} {transfers|exchanges|transactions|moves} {by|through|simply by|by simply} {private|personal|exclusive|non-public} a/c {deluxe|luxurious|elegant|custom} {van|truck|vehicle|lorrie} class
    - {Flight|Trip|Airline flight|Airfare} {ticket|solution|admission|priced} Cairo {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Aswan {by|through|simply by|by simply} EgyptAir
    - {Flight|Trip|Airline flight|Airfare} {ticket|solution|admission|priced} Luxor Sharm El Sheikh {by|through|simply by|by simply} EgyptAir
    - Overland {transfer|move|exchange|shift} {from|through|coming from|via} Sharm el sheikh {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Aqaba
    - Jordanian {entry|admittance|accessibility|access} visas {upon|on|after|about} {arrival|appearance|birth|introduction} airports
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} {for 2|for just two|for two main|for two} {nights|evenings|times|days} {in|within|inside|throughout} Cairo {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {of your choice|of your liking|of your choosing|that you pick} {with|along with|together with|using} breakfast
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} #file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] {for 2|for just two|for two main|for two} {nights|evenings|times|days} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {of your choice|of your liking|of your choosing|that you pick} {with|along with|together with|using} breakfast
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {3|Three|Several|Three or more} {nights|evenings|times|days} {on board|aboard|up to speed|fully briefed} 5* {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} Aswan-Luxor {on|upon|about|in} {full|complete|total|entire} board
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {4|Four|Several|Some} {nights|evenings|times|days} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm El Sheikh {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {of your choice|of your liking|of your choosing|that you pick} {with|along with|together with|using} breakfast
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} {for 2|for just two|for two main|for two} {nights|evenings|times|days} {in|within|inside|throughout} Petra {Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {of your choice|of your liking|of your choosing|that you pick} {with|along with|together with|using} breakfast
    - {Accommodation|Lodging|Holiday accommodation|Hotel} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {1|One|A single|One particular} {night|evening|night time|nighttime} {in|within|inside|throughout} Amman {Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {of your choice|of your liking|of your choosing|that you pick} {with|along with|together with|using} breakfast
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Pyramids, Sphinx, {Valley|Area|Pit|Vly} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead}, Sakkara {and|as well as|and also|along with} Memphis
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {Egyptian|Silk|Egypt|Cotton} {Museum|Art gallery|Memorial|Public}, Citadel Mosques {and|as well as|and also|along with} Coptic Churches
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {High|Higher|Large|Substantial} Dam {and|as well as|and also|along with} {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead} {o#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] f|associated with|regarding|involving} Philae {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Kom Ombo {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {and|as well as|and also|along with} Edfu {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} enroute
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Karnak {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats} {and|as well as|and also|along with} Luxor {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {in|within|inside|throughout} {East|Eastern|Far east|Eastern side} {bank|financial institution|lender|standard bank} {of the|from the|with the|in the} Nile
    - {Tour|Visit|Excursion|Trip} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {Valley|Area|Pit|Vly} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {Kings|Nobleman|Leaders|Noblemen}, Hatshepsut {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} & colossi {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Memnon
    - {Full|Complete|Total|Entire} {day|day time|evening|morning} {tour|visit|excursion|trip} {in|within|inside|throughout} Petra {major|main|significant|key} {sights|places|points of interest|scenery} {as|because|since|while} {described|explained|referred to|defined} {above|over|previously mentioned|earlier mentioned} {in|within|inside|throughout} itinerary
    - {Full|Complete|Total|Entire} {day|day time|evening|morning} {tour|visit|excursion|trip} {in|within|inside|throughout} Amman {major|main|significant|key} {sights|places|points of interest|scenery} {as|because|since|while} {described|explained|referred to|defined} {above|over|previously mentioned|earlier mentioned} {in|within|inside|throughout} itinerary
    - {Lunch|Lunch time|Lunchtime|Lunch break} {meals|foods|dishes|food} ({open|open up|available|wide open} {buffet|self serve buffet|smorgasboard|food}) {during|throughout|in the course of|through} {tours|excursions|trips|travels} {in|within|inside|throughout} Giza/Cairo/Petra/Amman
    - {Free|Totally free|Free of charge|No cost} {mineral water|standard water|drinking water|normal water} {on board|aboard|up to speed|fully briefed} {the bus|public transit|riding on the bus|the actual bus} {during|throughout|in the course of|through} {all|just about all|almost all|most} tours
    - {Entrance|Entry|#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] Access|Front door} {fees|charges|costs|service fees} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {sights|places|points of interest|scenery} {in|within|inside|throughout} Cairo/Aswan {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Luxor/Petra/Amman {in|within|inside|throughout} Jordan
    - {English|British|Language|Uk} {speaking|talking|communicating|conversing} {guide|manual|guidebook|information} {in|within|inside|throughout} Cairo/Aswan {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Luxor/Petra/Amman {in|within|inside|throughout} Jordan
    - {Service|Support|Services|Program} {charges|costs|fees|expenses} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {taxes|income taxes|fees|taxation} {included|incorporated|integrated|provided} {throughout the|through the|through the entire|during the entire} tours
    - {Free|Totally free|Free of charge|No cost} {Mobile phone|Cell phone|Cellular phone|Cellphone} {charged|billed|incurred|recharged} {against|towards|in opposition to|versus} {30|Thirty|25|40} {min|minutes|minute|minimum} {local|nearby|neighborhood|community} calls/5 {min|minutes|minute|minimum}. {international|worldwide|global|intercontinental} calls

    Day #1: {Arrival|Appearance|Birth|Introduction} Cairo
    Arrive {in|within|inside|throughout} Cairo {to discover the|to uncover the|to locate the|to find the} {contrasts|differences|discrepancies} {of this|of the|with this|on this} {ancient|historic|historical|old} {city|town|metropolis|area}, {our|the|our own|each of our} {representative|consultant|agent|rep} {will meet|will come across|will get together|will see} {you|a person|an individual|anyone} {at|from|with|in} Cairo {international airport|airport terminal|air-port|air port} {and then|after which|then|and after that} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {accompanied|supported|followed|complemented} {to your|for your|in your|on your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {check in|sign in|register|book} {with|along with|together with|using} {free|totally free|free of charge|no cost} {welcome|pleasant|encouraged|delightful} {drink|consume|beverage|ingest}. {Tonight|This evening|Today|Tonite}, {relax|unwind|loosen up|take it easy} {or|or even|or perhaps|as well as} {enjoy|appreciate|take pleasure in|get pleasure from} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {evening|night|night time|nighttime} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {out of #file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] this|using this|from this|because of this} {world|globe|planet|entire world} {entertainment|amusement|enjoyment|leisure} {as we|once we|even as|even as we} {go to the|visit the|navigate to the|see a} Pyramids {for the|for that|for your|to the} {incredible|amazing|extraordinary|outstanding} {Sound|Seem|Appear|Audio} {and Light|and lightweight|and light-weight|and} {Spectacular|Magnificent|Breathtaking|Stunning} {after you|once you|when you|as soon as you} {will|may|will certainly|can} {return to|go back to|come back to|resume} {your|your own|the|your current} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {and then the|and so the|and therefore the|therefore the} {night|evening|night time|nighttime} {is at|reaches|are at|is a} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement}.

    Day #2: Cairo {Sightseeing|Taking in the sights|Sightseeing and tour|Sightseeing and tours} Tours
    Breakfast {at|from|with|in} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {and then your|and your} {private|personal|exclusive|non-public} Egyptologist {guide|manual|guidebook|information} {will take|will require|is going to take|will need} {you to|you to definitely|one to|that you} {the amazing|the astonishing|the spectacular|the astounding} Pharaonic Cairo {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Step|Action|Stage|Phase} Pyramids {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} {Fine|Good|Great|Okay} Tombs {at|from|with|in} Sakkara, {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Statue|Sculpture|Figurine|Bronze sculpture} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Ramses {II|2|Two|The second} {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} Alabaster Sphinx {at|from|with|in} Memphis {that was|which was|that has been|that's} {the ancient|the traditional|the original|the standard} {capital|funds|money|cash} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {Egypt|The red sea} {during the|throughout the|through the|in the} {old|aged|outdated|previous} {kingdom#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] |empire|country|business}. {From there|After that|Following that|From that point} {you will be|you'll be|you will end up|you may be} {moved|relocated|transferred|shifted} {into the|in to the|to the|in the} Giza {Plateau|Level|Level of skill|Skill level} {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the Great|the truly amazing|the fantastic|the truly great} Pyramids {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Cheops, Chephren, Micerinus {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} almighty sphinx, {the|the actual|the particular|your} {royal|regal|noble|elegant} {human|individual|human being|man} {head on|directly|at once|go on} {a|the|any|a new} lion's {body|physique|entire body|system} {then|after that|next|and then} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {valley|area|pit|vly} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead}, {two|2|a couple of|a pair of} {awesome|amazing|great|wonderful} megalithic {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats}, {known as the|referred to as|called the|referred to as the} Sphinx {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead}, {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} {Valley|Area|Pit|Vly} {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead} {traditionally|typically|usually|customarily} {attributed to|related to|caused by|due to} {the|the actual|the particular|your} Pharaoh Chephren {that is|that's|which is|that is certainly} {an absolute|a complete|a total|an utter} {wonder|question|ponder|speculate} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {engineering|architectural|executive|design}. {Lunch|Lunch time|Lunchtime|Lunch break} {en route|on the way} {at|from|with|in} {specialty|niche|specialized|specialised} {restaurant|cafe|bistro|eating place} {nearby the|at the} pyramids {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {shopping|buying|purchasing|searching}. {For those who|For individuals who|For many who|In #file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] case you} {did not|didn't|failed to|would not} {get to|reach|arrive at|be able to} {go|proceed|move|get} {the option|the choice|the possibility|an opportunity} {will be given|will be presented|will be provided|will be presented with} {tonight|this evening|today|tonite} {to relax|to unwind|to wind down|to chill} {or|or even|or perhaps|as well as} {join us|come along} {for another|for an additional|for the next|for one more} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {evening|night|night time|nighttime} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {out of this|using this|from this|because of this} {world|globe|planet|entire world} {entertainment|amusement|enjoyment|leisure} {as we|once we|even as|even as we} {go to the|visit the|navigate to the|see a} Pyramids {for the|for that|for your|to the} {incredible|amazing|extraordinary|outstanding} {Sound|Seem|Appear|Audio} {and Light|and lightweight|and light-weight|and} {Spectacular|Magnificent|Breathtaking|Stunning} ({optional|optionally available|elective|recommended}) {Return back|Go back|Turn back|Get back} {to your|for your|in your|on your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {relaxation|rest|leisure|peace}, {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay|remain|keep|continue to be}.

    Day #3: Cairo {Sightseeing|Taking in the sights|Sightseeing and tour|Sightseeing and tours} {Tours|Excursions|Trips|Travels} {/|Or|And|Per} Aswan
    After {breakfast|breakfast every day|breakfast time|morning meal} {at your|at the|your|for your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {you will be|you'll be|you will end up|you may be} {taken|used|obtained|consumed} {for a|for any|to get a|for the} {guided tour|tour} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {Egyptian|Silk|Egypt|Cotton} {Museum|Art gallery|Memorial|Public} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} antiquates {that was|which was|that has been|that's} {built in|built-in|integrated|internal} {the|the actual|the particular|your} neo-classical {style|design|type|fashion} {by the|through the|from the|with the} {French|France|People from france|This particular language} {architect|builder|designer|creator} Marcel Dourgenon {the|the actual|the particular|your} {museum|art gallery|memorial|public} {housing|real estate|property|homes} {over|more than|above|around} {120|A hundred and twenty|One hundred twenty|One-hundred-twenty},{000|Thousand|500|1000} {objects|items|things|physical objects} {from|through|coming from|via} {different|various|diverse|distinct} Pharaonic {eras|times|centuries} {especially those|particularly those|specially those|in particular those} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {child|kid|youngster|little one} {king|full|california king|master} Tutankhamen. {Proceed to|Go to|Go on to|Check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} citadel {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Saladin {and|as well as|and also|along with} Mohammed Ali's Alabaster Mosque .{Lunch|Lunch time|Lunchtime|Lunch break} {en route|on the way} {at|from|with|in} {good quality|top quality|high quality|quality} {restaurant|cafe|bistro|eating place} {in|within|inside|throughout} Cairo {downtown|down-town|the downtown area|in town} .{Then|After that|Next|And then} {drive|generate|push|travel} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {Old|Aged|Outdated|Previous} Cairo {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the old|that old|the existing|the previous} Coptic {churches|places of worship|church buildings|chapels} {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} {fortress|castle|fort|citadel} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Babylon {where the|in which the|the location where the|the place that the} {holy|sacred|almost holy|revered} {family|loved ones|family members|household} {took|required|got|had taken} {a|the|any|a new} {refuge|sanctuary|retreat|haven}. {Leaves|Simply leaves|Results in|Foliage} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Church|Chapel|Cathedral|Religious organization} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {St|Street|Saint|E} Barbara {and|as well as|and also|along with} {St|Street|Saint|E}. George's {church|chapel|cathedral|religious organization} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} Islamic Cairo {and|as well as|and also|along with} Khan El Khalili bazaars {and|as well as|and also|along with} {Old|Aged|Outdated|Previous} {Market|Marketplace|Industry|Market place} {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {to walk|just to walk|simply to walk|to steer} {around|about|close to|all around} {and discover|and find out|and see|and learn} {the amazing|the astonishing|the spectacular|the astounding} {area|region|location|place} {in your|inside your|within your|with your} {way|method|approach|means} {with|along with|together with|using} {transfer|move|exchange|shift} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Cairo {airport|airport terminal|international airport|air port} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {fly|travel|soar|take flight} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Aswan, {where you|in which you|in places you|that you} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {met|fulfilled|satisfied|achieved} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {assisted|aided|helped|served} {by a|with a|by way of a|by the} {representative|consultant|agent|rep} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {transferred to|used in|moved to|utilized in} {your|your own|the|your current} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {for free|free of charge|at no cost|totally free} {welcome|pleasant|encouraged|delightful} {drink|consume|beverage|ingest} {upon|on|after|about} {arrival|appearance|birth|introduction} {and check|and appearance|and look|and view} {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay|remain|keep|continue to be}.

    VDay {# 4|Number 4|Four|Number four}: Aswan {/|Or|And|Per} Abu Simbel {/|Or|And|Per} Aswan
    Enjoy {a relaxing|a calming|a soothing|a restful} {breakfast|breakfast every day|breakfast time|morning meal} {at your|at the|your|for your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan. {Today|These days|Nowadays|Right now} {is your|is the|can be your|will be your} {day|day time|evening|morning} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {with|along with|together with|using} {amazing|incredible|remarkable|wonderful} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {excursion|trip|adventure|venture} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Abu Simbel {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats} {to discover the|to uncover the|to locate the|to find the} {magnificent|wonderful|spectacular|impressive} {monuments|ancient monuments|typical monuments} {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} {majestic|regal|stunning|beautiful} {two|2|a couple of|a pair of} {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats} {of the|from the|with the|in the} Abu Simbel {that were|which were|that have been|which are} {built|constructed|created|developed} {by|through|simply by|by simply} Egypts {great|excellent|fantastic|wonderful} Pharaoh Ramses {II|2|Two|The second} {one is|the first is|you are|an example may be} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {Great|Excellent|Fantastic|Wonderful} Pharaoh {himself|themself|themselves|herself} {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the} {second|2nd|next|subsequent} {was|had been|has been|ended up being} {dedicated|devoted|committed|focused} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {his|their|his / her|his or her} {favorite|preferred|favored|favourite} {wife|spouse|better half|partner} Nefertari {then|after that|next|and then} {return back|go back|turn back|get back} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Aswan {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay|remain|keep|continue to be}.

    Day {# 5|Five}: Aswan {Nile|Earth} {Cruise|Luxury cruise|Cruise trip|Vacation cruise} Tour
    Breakfast {at your|at the|your|for your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan:. {Then you will be|You will then be|You will subsequently be} {transferred to|used in|moved to|utilized in} {embark|start|get started|begin} {your|your own|the|your current} {Nile|Earth} {River|Water|Lake|Pond} {Cruise ship|Cruiseship|Cruise liner|Luxury crusie ship} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan, {where|exactly where|in which|wherever} {we will|we'll|we are going to|we're going to} {enjoy the|benefit from the|take pleasure in the|take advantage of the} {next|subsequent|following|up coming} {4|Four|Several|Some} {days|times|nights|days and nights} {/|Or|And|Per} {3|Three|Several|Three or more} {nights|evenings|times|days} {deluxe|luxurious|elegant|custom} {Nile|Earth} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {holiday|vacation|getaway|trip} {between|in between|among|involving} Aswan {and|as well as|and also|along with} Luxor. {Afternoon|Mid-day|Morning|Day} {time|period|moment|occasion} {you will be|you'll be|you will end up|you may be} {accompanied by|combined with|associated with|together with} {your|your own|the|your current} Egyptologist {guide|manual|guidebook|information} {for an|to have an|with an|on an} {exciting|thrilling|fascinating|interesting} {tour|visit|excursion|trip} {to the world|around the world|around the globe|to everyone} {famous|well-known|renowned|popular} {High|Higher|Large|Substantial} Dam {that was|which was|that has been|that's} {an|a good|a great|the} {engineering|architectural|executive|design} {miracle|wonder|magic|miraculous} {when it|if this|in the event it|if it} {was|had been|has been|ended up being} {built in|built-in|integrated|internal} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {1960s|Sixties|60s|Nineteen sixties}. {It contains|It has|It includes|Its content has} {18|Eighteen|20|16} {times|occasions|instances|periods} {the material|the fabric|the information|the pad} {used in|utilized in|found in|employed in} {the Great|the truly amazing|the fantastic|the truly great} {Pyramid|Chart} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Cheops; {continue to|still|always|carry on and} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {granite|granitic|marble|corian} quarries {which|that|which usually|which in turn} {supplied|provided|offered|furnished} {the ancient|the traditional|the original|the standard} {Egyptian|Silk|Egypt|Cotton} pharaohs {with most|with many|with a lot of|generally} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {hard|difficult|tough|challenging} {stone|rock|natural stone|gemstone} {used in|utilized in|found in|employed in} pyramids {and|as well as|and also|along with} {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats}. {The|The actual|The particular|Your} quarries {still|nevertheless|nonetheless|even now} {hold the|contain the|support the|retain the} {famous|well-known|renowned|popular} {Unfinished|Incomplete|Not finished|Not whole} Obelisk {and then you|and you|and you then|then you} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {taking|getting|using|having} {by|through|simply by|by simply} motor-boat {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {island|isle|tropical isle|area} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Egilka {visit the|go to the|look at the|check out the} {majestic|regal|stunning|beautiful} Philae {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {that was|which was|that has been|that's} {dedicated to|focused on|committed to|specialized in} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Goddesses|Actresses} Isis. {With|Along with|Together with|Using} {final|last|ultimate|closing} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {evening|night|night time|nighttime} {excursion|trip|adventure|venture} {will offer|will offer you|will give you|offer} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {sound|seem|appear|audio} {and light|and lightweight|and light-weight|and} {show|display|present|demonstrate} {at the|in the|on the|with the} {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Philae {Return to|Go back to|Come back to|Resume} {your|your own|the|your current} {ship|deliver|dispatch|vessel} {for dinner|for supper|for lunch} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {and|as well as|and also|along with} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay|remain|keep|continue to be} {aboard|on-board|onboard|on} {the|the actual|the particular|your} cruise

    Day {#|Number} {6|Six|Half a dozen|Some}: {Nile|Earth} {Cruise|Luxury cruise|Cruise trip|Vacation cruise} Holiday
    Before {breakfast|breakfast every day|breakfast time|morning meal} {aboard|on-board|onboard|on} {your|your own|the|your current} {Nile|Earth} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {you may enjoy|get ready to enjoy|get ready to experience|you can savor} {the amazing|the astonishing|the spectacular|the astounding} {sunset|setting sun|sundown|sun} {view|look at|see|watch} {from your|out of your|from the|from a} {river|water|lake|pond} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {in|within|inside|throughout} Aswan {and then|after which|then|and after that} {sail|cruise|breeze|travel} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Kom Ombo {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {the|the actual|the particular|your} crocodile-headed {God|Lord|The almighty|Our god} {of fertility|of love and fertility} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {creator|originator|inventor|founder} {of the world|around the globe|on the planet|worldwide} {and then|after which|then|and after that} {return to|go back to|come back to|resume} {your|your own|the|your current} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {vessel|charter boat|boat|charter yacht} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {sail|cruise|breeze|travel} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Edfu {where you|in which you|in places you|that you} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {transferred|moved|transmitted|shifted} {by|through|simply by|by simply} {horse|equine|mount|moose} {drawn|attracted|driven|pulled} {carriage|buggy} {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {famous|well-known|renowned|popular} Edfu {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {also|additionally|furthermore|in addition} {know as|termed as|referred to as|called} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Horus & Haroeris, {the|the actual|the particular|your} falcon-headed {solar|photo voltaic|pv|solar power} {war|battle|conflict|warfare} {god|lord|the almighty|our god} {is the|may be the|will be the|could be the} {largest|biggest|greatest|most significant} {and most|and many|and a lot|and quite a few} {perfectly|completely|flawlessly|correctly} {preserved|maintained|conserved|stored} {of all the|of all of the|of all|of all the so-called} {Nile|Earth} {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats}, {back to|to|returning to|time for} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Nile|Earth} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {by the|through the|from the|with the} {same way|same manner|in an identical way|unique way} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {sail|cruise|breeze|travel} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Luxor {with|along with|together with|using} {lunch|lunch time|lunchtime|lunch break}, {afternoon|mid-day|morning|day} {tea|teas|green tea|herbal tea} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {dinner|supper|meal|evening meal} {aboard|on-board|onboard|on} {your|your own|the|your current} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} stay

    Day {#|Number} {7|Seven|Several|6}: {Nile|Earth} {Cruise|Luxury cruise|Cruise trip|Vacation cruise} Holiday
    Breakfast {onboard|on-ship|on board|on the deck of} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Nile|Earth} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise}, {and then you|and you|and you then|then you} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {moved|relocated|transferred|shifted} {into the|in to the|to the|in the} {West|Western|Western side|Gulf} {Bank|Financial institution|Lender|Standard bank} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {river|water|lake|pond} {Nile|Earth} {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the two|the 2|both|both the} {colossal|huge|large|enormous} {statues|figurines|sculptures|art forms} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Amenhotep {III|3|Three} (Colossi {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Memnon), {and then|after which|then|and after that} {visit the|go to the|look at the|check out the} {Valley|Area|Pit|Vly} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {Kings|Nobleman|Leaders|Noblemen}, {where the|in which the|the location where the|the place that the} {magnificent|wonderful|spectacular|impressive} tombs {discovered|found|identified|found out}, {those|individuals|these|people} tombs {were|had been|have been|ended up} {carved|created|designed|etched} {deep|heavy|strong|serious} {into the|in to the|to the|in the} {desert|leave|wasteland|wilderness} {rock|rock and roll|stone|good ole'}, {richly|highly|abundantly|thoroughly} {decorated|embellished|adorned|furnished} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {filled with|full of|filled up with|stuffed with} {treasures|items|gifts|pieces} {for the|for that|for your|to the} afterlife {of the|from the|with the|in the} pharaohs, {you will|you'll|you may|you are going to} {visit|go to|check out|pay a visit to} {3|Three|Several|Three or more} tombs. {Continue|Carry on|Proceed|Keep on} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {tour|visit|excursion|trip} {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} Hatshipsut {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {at|from|with|in} El Deir El Bahary, {this|this particular|this kind of|this specific} {impressive|remarkable|amazing|extraordinary} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {dedicated to|focused on|committed to|specialized in} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {Queen|Full|California king|King} Hatshipsut {the only|the only real|the sole|the one} {female|feminine|woman|women} pharaoh {rises|increases|goes up|soars} {out of the|from the|out from the|out of your} {desert|leave|wasteland|wilderness} {plain|basic|simple|ordinary} {in a|inside a|in the|within a} {series of|number of|group of|compilation of} {terraces|balconies} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {merges|combines} {with the|using the|with all the|while using} {sheer|pure|utter|absolute} limestone {cliffs|coves|clfs} {that|which|in which|that will} {surround|encompass|encircle|are around} {it then|after that it|then it} {back to|to|returning to|time for} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {for lunch|for supper}, {afternoon|mid-day|morning|day} {tea|teas|green tea|herbal tea} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {dinner|supper|meal|evening meal} {aboard|on-board|onboard|on} {your|your own|the|your current} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay|remain|keep|continue to be} {Tonight|This evening|Today|Tonite}, {if you wish|if you want|should you desire|if you would like}, {enjoy|appreciate|take pleasure in|get pleasure from} {an|a good|a great|the} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {sound|seem|appear|audio} {and light|and lightweight|and light-weight|and} {show|display|present|demonstrate} {at the|in the|on the|with the} {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} Karnak

    Day {#|Number} {8|Eight|8-10|7}: {Nile|Earth} {Cruise|Luxury cruise|Cruise trip|Vacation cruise} {/|Or|And|Per} Sharm El Sheikh
    Breakfast {onboard|on-ship|on board|on the deck of} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {cruise|luxury cruise|cruise trip|vacation cruise}, {and then you|and you|and you then|then you} {will|may|will certainly|can} {accompanied by|combined with|associated with|together with} {our|the|our own|each of our} {English|British|Language|Uk} Egyptologist {expert|professional|specialist|skilled} {guide to|help guide to|self-help guide to|help guide} {visit|go to|check out|pay a visit to} Karnak {Temple|Forehead|Brow|Your forehead}, {the largest|the biggest|the greatest|the most important} {place of|host to|location of} {worship|praise} {ever|actually|at any time|ever before} {built|constructed|created|developed}. {Its|It's|The|Their} {ancient|historic|historical|old} {name|title|identify|brand} Ipet-isut {means|indicates|signifies|implies} {the most|probably the most|one of the most|essentially the most} {sacred|holy|almost holy|revered} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {places|locations|areas|spots}. {The|The actual|The particular|Your} {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead}, {or|or even|or perhaps|as well as}, {more|much more|a lot more|far more} {correctly|properly|appropriately|effectively}, {the|the actual|the particular|your} {complex|complicated|intricate|sophisticated} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats}, {was|had been|has been|ended up being} {built|constructed|created|developed} {over|more than|above|around} {more than|a lot more than|greater than|over} {two thousand|2000|2,000|the year 2000} {years|many years|a long time|decades} {by|through|simply by|by simply} {generation|era|technology|age group} {after|following|right after|soon after} {generation|era|technology|age group} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} pharaohs. {Within the|Inside the|Inside|From the} {complex|complicated|intricate|sophisticated}, {the great|the truly amazing|the fantastic|the truly great} Hypostyle {Hall|Corridor|Hallway|Area} {is an|is definitely an|is surely an|can be an} {incredible|amazing|extraordinary|outstanding} {forest|woodland|natrual enviroment|do} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {giant|large|huge|massive} {pillars|support beams} .{Then you will be|You will then be|You will subsequently be} {transferred to|used in|moved to|utilized in} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {majestic|regal|stunning|beautiful} Luxor {temple|forehead|brow|your forehead} {which|that|which usually|which in turn} {built|constructed|created|developed} {by|through|simply by|by simply} Amenhotep {III|3|Three} {and|as well as|and also|along with} Ramses {II|2|Two|The second} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {ritual|routine|practice|habit} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {festivals|celebrations|fests|fairs} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {dedicated to|focused on|committed to|specialized in} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {god|lord|the almighty|our god} Amun {with|along with|together with|using} {free time|spare time|leisure time|sparetime} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {shopping|buying|purchasing|searching} {in|within|inside|throughout} Luxor {and then you|and you|and you then|then you} {will be|is going to be|will probably be|will likely be} {transferred to|used in|moved to|utilized in} Luxor {airport|airport terminal|international airport|air port} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} {fly|travel|soar|take flight} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to} Sharm El Shiek {with|along with|together with|using} {direct|immediate|primary|one on one} {transfer|move|exchange|shift} {to your|for your|in your|on your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {for free|free of charge|at no cost|totally free} {time|period|moment|occasion} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {with|along with|together with|using} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} stay

    Day {#|Number} {9|Nine|Being unfaithful|In search of}: Sharm El Sheikh {Holiday|Vacation|Getaway|Trip} {/|Or|And|Per} Bedouin Safari
    Breakfast {at your|at the|your|for your} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm el sheikh {with|along with|together with|using} {free|totally free|free of charge|no cost} {day at|trip to|visit to|time at} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {at the|in the|on the|with the} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {sandy|exotic|soft sand|sand} {beach|seaside|seashore|beach front} {and in|as well as in|plus|along with} Sharm el sheikh {with|along with|together with|using} {fantastic|wonderful|great|amazing} {optional|optionally available|elective|recommended} {excursion|trip|adventure|venture} {to enjoy|to savor|to take pleasure from|to relish} {a|the|any|a new} Bedouin {tea|teas|green tea|herbal tea} {and|as well as|and also|along with} camel {ride|trip|journey|experience} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sinai {desert|leave|wasteland|wilderness} {with|along with|together with|using} {peaceful|tranquil|relaxing|calm} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {stay at|remain at|stop at|lodge at} {your|your own|the|your current} {hotel|resort|motel|lodge} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm el sheikh

    Day #10: Sharm El Sheikh {/|Or|And|Per} Ras Mohammed {National|Nationwide|Countrywide|Country wide} Park
    After {breakfast|breakfast every day|breakfast time|morning meal} {you will be|you'll be|you will end up|you may be} {transferred to|used in|moved to|utilized in} {the|the actual|the particular|your} Ras Mohamed {National|Nationwide|Countrywide|Country wide} {Park|Recreation area|Playground|Car park} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to} {snorkeling|scuba diving|surfing|knee boarding} {/|Or|And|Per} {a fantastic|an incredible|an excellent|a wonderful} {day out|day trip|outing|trip} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {red|red-colored|reddish|crimson} {sea|ocean|marine|seashore} {underwater|marine|under the sea|under water} Marin {life|existence|lifestyle|living} {and then|after which|then|and after that} {transfer|move|exchange|shift} {back to|to|returning to|time for} {the hotel|your accommodation|the place|the resort} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm el sheikh {Free time|Spare time|Leisure time|Sparetime} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm El Sheikh {with|along with|together with|using} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {at your|at the|your|for your} hotel

    Day #11: Sharm El Sheikh {/|Or|And|Per} {St|Street|Saint|E}. Catherine Monastery
    After {breakfast|breakfast every day|breakfast time|morning meal} {you will be|you'll be|you will end up|you may be} {accompanied by|combined with|associated with|together with} {your guide|your best guide|the best guide|amazing} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {driver|car owner|motorist|new driver} {to visit|to go to|to see|to check out} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {St|Street|Saint|E}. Catherine Monastery {and|as well as|and also|along with} Moses {Mountain|Hill|Pile|Huge batch} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sinai {then|after that|next|and then} {transfer|move|exchange|shift} {back to|to|returning to|time for} {the hotel|your accommodation|the place|the resort} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm el sheikh
    Free {time|period|moment|occasion} {at|from|with|in} {leisure|leisure time|discretion|amusement} {in|within|inside|throughout} Sharm El Sheikh {with|along with|together with|using} {overnight|immediately|right away|instantaneously} {at your|at the|your|for your} hotel

    Day #12: Sharm {/|Or|And|Per} Aqaba (Wadi {Rum|Tequila|Bourbon}) {/|Or|And|Per} Rose-Red City" {for a|for any|to get a|for the} {full|complete|total|entire} {day|day time|evening|morning} {sightseeing|taking in the sights|sightseeing and tour|sightseeing and tours} {tour|visit|excursion|trip} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {ancient|historic|historical|old} {city|town|metropolis|area} {comprises|includes|consists of|consists} {a complete|an entire|a whole|a total} {urban|city|metropolitan|downtown} {infrastructure|facilities|national infrastructure|commercial infrastructure} {which includes|including|which include|such as} {temples|temples or wats|wats or temples|wats}, {baths|bathing|bathrooms|bathing pools}, {private|personal|exclusive|non-public}

--Esselepem 09:37, 24 May 2013 (CEST)

bypeAnebamn said ...

"Flying" {Michael Jordan|Jordan|Nike jordan|Jordans} {-|--|:|*} {a set of|some|a couple of|a collection of} {elegance|style|beauty|classiness}, {power|energy|strength|electrical power}, {art|artwork|fine art|art work}, improvisational {ability|capability|capacity|potential} {in one of the|within the|with a|at a} {great|excellent|fantastic|wonderful} {athletes|sports athletes|sportsmen|players}, {he|he or she|this individual|they} {redefined|changed|expanded} {the meaning|this is|madness} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {NBA|National basketball associatioktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] {superstar|celebrity|celeb|star}, {he is|he's|he could be|he or she is} {recognized as|acknowledged as|thought to be|named} {the best|the very best|the most effective|the top} {basketball|baseball|hockey|golf ball} {player|participant|person|gamer} {the world|the planet|the entire world|the globe}, {not only in|not just in|with|installing} {his|their|his / her|his or her} {at that time|in those days|during those times|then}, {in the|within the|inside the|from the} {entire|whole|complete|total} {NBA|National basketball association|Basketball|Nba} {history|background|historical past|record}, {Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan} {is the best|is the greatest|is the better|is the foremost}.{In most|In many|Generally in most|For most} {people's|individuals|peoples'|some people's} {eyes|eye|face|sight}, {Michael Jordan|Jordan|Nike jordan|Jordans} {is the greatest|is the foremost|is the better|is the best} {basketball|baseball|hockey|golf ball} {player|participant|person|gamer} {ever|actually|at any time|ever before}, {he|he or she|this individual|they} {endowed|gifted|rendered|aceded} {with|along with|together with|using} {magnificent|wonderful|spectacular|impressive} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {legendary|renowned|famous|celebrated} {basketball|baseball|hockey|golf ball} {career|profession|job|occupation}, {and his|and the|and his awesome|with his fantastic} {campaign|marketing campaign|strategy|advertising campaign} {for the|for that|for your|to the} {enormous|huge|massive|tremendous} {influence|impact|affect|effect} {of the|from the|with the|in the} {inevitable|unavoidable|inescapable|expected} {push|drive|press|force} {to get|to obtain|to acquire|to h ave} {people to|individuals to|visitors to|website visitors to} {his|their|his / her|his or her} {God|Lord|The almighty|Our god} {altar|ceremony|church}. {elegance|style|beauty|classiness}, {speed|pace|velocity|rate}, {strength|power|durability|energy}, {rich|wealthy|abundant|prosperous} {artistic|creative|imaginative|#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] inventive}, {spontaneous|natural|impulsive|quickly arranged} {creativity|creativeness|imagination|creative imagination} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {unparalleled|unequalled|unmatched|unrivaled} {combination of|mixture of|mix of|blend of} {strong|powerful|robust|solid} {desire to|need to|want to|wish to} {win|earn|acquire|get} ... ... {Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan} re-interpretation {of the|from the|with the|in the} "superstar" {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {meaning|which means|that means|this means}.{Even in|Even just in|During|Even during} {the same|exactly the same|the identical|precisely the same} {period|time period|period of time|interval} {superstars|celebrities|megastars|stars} {Michael Jordan|Jordan|Nike jordan|Jordans} {acknowledged|recognized|identified|known} {the|the actual|the particular|your} supremacy {of|associated with|regarding|involving}, {Magic|Miracle|Wonder|Miraculous} #file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] {Johnson|Manley|Velupe|Brown}, Alvin ({Magic|Miracle|Wonder|Miraculous} {Johnson|Manley|Velupe|Brown}), {said|stated|mentioned|explained}: "Jordan {at the top|at the very top|towards the top|at the pinnacle}, {and then|after which|then|and after that} {is|is actually|will be|can be} {us|all of us|us all|people}.{"|Inch|Inches|In .} {Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan} {the second|the 2nd|the next|the other} {season|period|time|time of year} {in the|within the|inside the|from the} {playoffs|2010 nfl playoffs|2010 playoffs|2009-2010 season} {against|towards|in opposition to|versus} Kay Stewart's {game|sport|video game|online game}, {he|he or she|this individual|they} {was|had been|has been|ended up being} {mad|angry|crazy|upset} {to take|to consider|to adopt|to look at} {63|Sixty three} {minutes|moments|min's|mins}. {Larry|Ray|Lewis|Jimmy} {Bird|Chicken|Fowl|Hen} {said|stated|mentioned|explained} {of|associated with|regarding|involving} {him|him or her|your pet|your ex}: "Today {is a|is really a|can be a|is often a} {God|Lord|The almighty|Our god} {disguised|concealed|hidden|masked} {as|because|since|while} {Michael Jordan|Jordan|Nike jordan|Jordans} {in the game|hanging around|amongst people|amongst gamers}."Have {done|carried out|completed|accomplished} {a rough|a tough|an approximate|a difficult} {look at|take a look at|examine|#file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] have a look at} {what|exactly what|just what|precisely w{Jordan|The nike jordan|Jordans|Nike jordan}: "Rookie {of the Year|of thseason|of year|of this year}, {5|Five|A few|Your five} {regular|normal|typical|standard} {season|period|time|time of year} {MVP|Most valuable player|Most helpful site}, {6|Six|Half a dozen|Some} 枚 finals {rings|bands|jewelry|wedding rings}, {6|Six|Half a dozen|Some} Finals MVP10 {time|period|moment|occasion} {First|Very first|Initial|1st} {Team|Group|Staff|Crew} All-Star {14|Fourteen|18|15} {times|occasions|instances|periods}, {3 times|Three times|3 x|Thrice} All-Star {Game|Sport|Video game|Online game} {MVP|Most valuable player|Most helpful site}, {selected|chosen|picked|decided on} NBA50 {50 years|Half a century|Fifty years|Five decades}, {scoring|rating|credit scoring|credit rating} {10 times|Ten times|10 x|Much} ({NBA|National basketball association|Basketball|Nba} {record|report|document|file}, {while also|whilst|as well as|while} {scoring|rating|credit scoring|credit rating} {seven|7|several|more effective} {consecutive|sequential|straight|successive} {first|very first|initial|1st} {order|purchase|buy|get} {and|as well as|and also|along with} Chamberlain), {retired|upon the market|outdated|on} {when the|once the|if the|in the event the} {average|typical|common|regular} {score|rating|report|credit score} {is the|may be the|will be the|could be the} {highest|greatest|maximum|best} {with|along with|together with|using} {30|Thirty|25|40}.{1|One|A single|One particular} {points|factors|details|items} ..."But {he is|he's|he could be|he or she is} {far more than|way over|excess of|more than} {the impact|the outcome} {of these|of those|of such|of the} {honors|respects|recognizes|awards} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {titles|game titles|games|headings}. {When he|As he|While he} {first|very first|initial|1st} {joined|became a member of|joined up with|signed up with} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {league|category|little league|group}, {he is|he's|he could be|he or she is} {a sharp|a clear, crisp|a clear|a pointy} {step|action|stage|phase}, {breakthrough|development|discovery|cutting-edge} {and|as well as|and also|along with} acrobatic {slam|throw|bust|fly} {dunk|soak|slam dunk|dous} {gorgeous|beautiful|stunning|lovely} {the natural|natural} scorer, {and when|so when|when|then when} {he|he or she|this individual|they} {left|remaining|still left|quit}, {he has|he's|he's got|she has} {become a|be a|turn into a|turned into a} {cultural|social|ethnic|national} {symbol|image|mark|token}. {in his|in the|as part of his|in their} {basketball|baseball|hockey|golf ball} {career|profession|job|occupation}, {he|he or she|this individual|they} {dazzled|surprised|stunned|impressed} {with a|having a|using a|which has a} {pitch|message|toss|frequency} {and|as well as|and also|along with} {field|area|industry|discipline} {performance|overall performance|efficiency|functionality} {of individuals|of people|of men and women|of an individual} #file_links<C>\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D4\key.txt,1,N] {under the|underneath the|beneath the|within the} {elegant|stylish|sophisticated|classy} {grace|elegance|sophistication|leeway} {conquered|overcome|mastered|vanquished} {the public|the general public|people|the population}, {but also the|but the} {advance of|coming of|development of|introduction of} globalization {has|offers|provides|features} {accelerated|faster|quicker|more rapid} {the process of|the entire process of|the whole process of|the operation of} {NBA|National basketball association|Basketball|Nba}, {he is|he's|he could be|he or she is} {worthy of|worth|value|merit} {the|the actual|the particular|your} {king|full|california king|master}.{Michael Jordan|Jordan|Nike jordan|Jordans} {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers|Shoes or boots}: {jordan|the nike jordan|jordans|nike jordan} {4|Four|Several|Some} {retro|vintage|old style|60's},{jordan|the nike jordan|jordans|nike jordan} sc-1He {is an|is definitely an|is surely an|can be an} {approachable|friendly} {yet|however|but|nevertheless} {maintain a|conserve a|keep a|have a} {sense of|feeling of|a feeling of|a sense} {mystery|secret|puzzle|unknown} {man|guy|gentleman|person}. "Air

--bypeAnebamn 09:37, 24 May 2013 (CEST)

bypeAnebamn said ...

Happiness Ringer | Obtain Alexis The nike jordan Contentment Ringtone

--bypeAnebamn 13:53, 24 May 2013 (CEST)

Esselepem said ...

Artificial Jordans Available for sale * Keep an eye out

--Esselepem 22:25, 24 May 2013 (CEST)

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