JaroslavTulach: /* Without Backward Compatibility */ - 2019-01-03 04:41:50

Without Backward Compatibility

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The more incompatibility we put into our libraries, the more harder it will be to compose our systems, so various versions of each library can co-exist. Each incompatible library version adds additional variable to the [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problem. Things are not that bad when we have just a limited set of incompatible libraries, but if the number grow - then finding working configuration of an application might almost solve quite complex [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problems. Something that is know to be really hard.
The more incompatibility we put into our libraries, the more harder it will be to compose our systems, so various versions of each library can co-exist. Each incompatible library version adds additional variable to the [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problem. Things are not that bad when we have just a limited set of incompatible libraries, but if the number grow - then finding working configuration of an application might almost solve quite complex [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problems. Something that is know to be really hard.
Symptoms of such problems are more common in libraries that are not yet popular enough. Their developers may not yet be trained in keeping backward compatibility. However the more popular your library becomes the more you will care. As a result often used libraries are developed in compatible way. Finding whether module dependencies can be satisfied in a repository with only compatible versions is obviously trivial.
Symptoms of such problems are more common in libraries that are not yet popular enough. Their developers may not yet be trained in keeping backward compatibility. However the more popular your library becomes the more you will care. As a result often used libraries are developed in compatible way. Finding whether module dependencies can be satisfied in a repository with only compatible versions is obviously trivial: just take the newest version of each!
But imagine glibc developers went mad and published an incompatible version. As that library is used by everyone, there would be quite a lot of NP-complete problems to solve.
Yet imagine glibc developers going mad and publishing an incompatible version. That library is used by everyone. Yet everyone is operating on different schedule. Slowly the other libraries would migrate to the new version. Your app may use hundreds of such libraries. Selecting the right versions that actually work together creates quite a lot of NP-complete problems to solve.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release [[Big Bang]] incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release [[Big Bang]] incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the complexity.
== Types of Compatibility ==
== Types of Compatibility ==

JaroslavTulach at 12:08, 31 July 2012 - 2012-07-31 12:08:31

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Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release [[Big Bang]] incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release [[Big Bang]] incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
== Source Compatibility ==
== Types of Compatibility ==
=== Source Compatibility ===
Two versions of the same library are ''source compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled against the older version can also be successfully compiled against the new version.
Two versions of the same library are ''source compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled against the older version can also be successfully compiled against the new version.
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However this kind of compatibility is not easy to reach in [[Java]], as also almost any addition can cause problems. Especially due to language constructs like wildcard import.
However this kind of compatibility is not easy to reach in [[Java]], as also almost any addition can cause problems. Especially due to language constructs like wildcard import.
== Binary Compatibility ==
=== Binary Compatibility ===
Two versions of the same library are ''binary compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled into appropriate binary form against older version of the library, can link (its binary form) with the newer version.
Two versions of the same library are ''binary compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled into appropriate binary form against older version of the library, can link (its binary form) with the newer version.
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Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java virtual machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|lingua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them. Probably the most important one is that all the [[Generics]] features of [[Java]] languages are stripped off and erased during compilation and are not present in the final class file (as of JDK5, JDK6).
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java virtual machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|lingua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them. Probably the most important one is that all the [[Generics]] features of [[Java]] languages are stripped off and erased during compilation and are not present in the final class file (as of JDK5, JDK6).
== Functional Compatibility ==
=== Functional Compatibility ===
Two versions of the same library are ''functionally compatible'' if any code written, compiled and linked and executed against the older version can successfully be executed against the new version and produces the same result.
Two versions of the same library are ''functionally compatible'' if any code written, compiled and linked and executed against the older version can successfully be executed against the new version and produces the same result.
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To get better feel for this kind of compatibility, play or read about the [[APIFest08|API Fest'08]] game.
To get better feel for this kind of compatibility, play or read about the [[APIFest08|API Fest'08]] game.
== Strictness ==
What could be the best classification of [[BackwardCompatibility]]?
''If some expected behavior is present in previous version but not in subsequent
one, then [[BackwardCompatibility|backward compatibility]] is compromised.''
Of course, there are two terms that need further definition.
''behavior is present'' - I'd say that if a program written, compiled and
executed against the API produces a result (prints something, shows something
on screen, crashes, etc.), then such behavior is present.
''expected'' - I believe [[API]] providers should sacrifice themselves as much as
possible in favor of [[API]] users. The maximum level is 100% compatibility that
says it is expected that any program written against the previous version of
an API must produce the same result in subsequent versions. Honestly, this
kind of compatibility is hard to achieve and suitable mostly for [[APIFest]]s.
That is why [[NetBeans]] is using a weaker version of 99% compatibility that allows
to change a behavior when it is clear it was not useful for anyone (e.g. no
longer throw NullPointerException in newer version, etc.). Rather than
changing existing behavior, we are offering [[AlternativeBehaviour|alternative behavior]]. In any
case we are trying to minimize the [[Amoeba]] effect for our users.
I am used to require the same level of API customer care from others. Does it
sounds too drastic and would you rather use more leisure compatibility mode?

JaroslavTulach: /* Without Backward Compatibility */ - 2010-10-28 17:41:03

Without Backward Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 17:41, 28 October 2010
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But imagine glibc developers went mad and published an incompatible version. As that library is used by everyone, there would be quite a lot of NP-complete problems to solve.
But imagine glibc developers went mad and published an incompatible version. As that library is used by everyone, there would be quite a lot of NP-complete problems to solve.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release big bang incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release [[Big Bang]] incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
== Source Compatibility ==
== Source Compatibility == /* Binary Compatibility */ - 2009-08-27 22:21:09

Binary Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 22:21, 27 August 2009
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This kind of compatibility is important for assemblers and users of final systems. They usually operated on compiled bits, download them from whatever site and then they expect these bits will work on their system. Usually two applications are often compiled against different versions of libraries, and only due to binary compatibility (if present) they can all successfully link on the final system.
This kind of compatibility is important for assemblers and users of final systems. They usually operated on compiled bits, download them from whatever site and then they expect these bits will work on their system. Usually two applications are often compiled against different versions of libraries, and only due to binary compatibility (if present) they can all successfully link on the final system.
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java virtual machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|ligua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them. Probably the most important one is that all the [[Generics]] features of [[Java]] languages are stripped off and erased during compilation and are not present in the final class file (as of JDK5, JDK6).
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java virtual machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|lingua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them. Probably the most important one is that all the [[Generics]] features of [[Java]] languages are stripped off and erased during compilation and are not present in the final class file (as of JDK5, JDK6).
== Functional Compatibility ==
== Functional Compatibility == /* Without Backward Compatibility */ - 2009-08-27 22:15:30

Without Backward Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 22:15, 27 August 2009
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Does software engineering need [[BackwardCompatibility]]? It is good for anything else than restricting poor [[API]] designers with rules of what they cannot do? Surprising answer to such question is obtained after realizing that incompatibilities cause [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete problems]].
Does software engineering need [[BackwardCompatibility]]? It is good for anything else than restricting poor [[API]] designers with rules of what they cannot do? Surprising answer to such question is obtained after realizing that incompatibilities cause [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete problems]].
The more incompatibility we put into our libraries, the more harder it will be to compose our systems, so various versions of each library can co-exist. Each incompatible library version adds additional variable to the [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problem. Thinks are not that bad when we have just a limited set of incompatible libraries, but if the number grow - then finding working configuration of an application might almost solve quite complex [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problems. Something that is know to be really hard.
The more incompatibility we put into our libraries, the more harder it will be to compose our systems, so various versions of each library can co-exist. Each incompatible library version adds additional variable to the [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problem. Things are not that bad when we have just a limited set of incompatible libraries, but if the number grow - then finding working configuration of an application might almost solve quite complex [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problems. Something that is know to be really hard.
Symptoms of such problems are more common in libraries that are not yet popular enough. Their developers may not yet be trained in keeping backward compatibility. However the more popular your library becomes the more you will care. As a result often used libraries are developed in compatible way. Finding whether module dependencies can be satisfied in a repository with only compatible versions is obviously trivial.
Symptoms of such problems are more common in libraries that are not yet popular enough. Their developers may not yet be trained in keeping backward compatibility. However the more popular your library becomes the more you will care. As a result often used libraries are developed in compatible way. Finding whether module dependencies can be satisfied in a repository with only compatible versions is obviously trivial.

JaroslavTulach at 20:43, 27 August 2009 - 2009-08-27 20:43:08

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[[BackwardCompatibility]] is the tool that helps us, software engineers, practice the style of [[DistributedDevelopment]]. In the situation when we build our applications from hundreds and hundreds of external libraries, when we cannot control their schedule, yet we need new upgrades of such downstream libraries. [[BackwardCompatibility]] is the mantra that allows us reach smooth [[Upgradability]] of such components in our systems.
[[BackwardCompatibility]] is the tool that helps us, software engineers, practice the style of [[DistributedDevelopment]]. In the situation when we build our applications from hundreds and hundreds of external libraries, when we cannot control their schedule, yet we need new upgrades of such downstream libraries. [[BackwardCompatibility]] is the mantra that allows us reach smooth [[Upgradability]] of such components in our systems.
=== Without Backward Compatibility ===
Does software engineering need [[BackwardCompatibility]]? It is good for anything else than restricting poor [[API]] designers with rules of what they cannot do? Surprising answer to such question is obtained after realizing that incompatibilities cause [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete problems]].
The more incompatibility we put into our libraries, the more harder it will be to compose our systems, so various versions of each library can co-exist. Each incompatible library version adds additional variable to the [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problem. Thinks are not that bad when we have just a limited set of incompatible libraries, but if the number grow - then finding working configuration of an application might almost solve quite complex [[wikipedia::3SAT]] problems. Something that is know to be really hard.
Symptoms of such problems are more common in libraries that are not yet popular enough. Their developers may not yet be trained in keeping backward compatibility. However the more popular your library becomes the more you will care. As a result often used libraries are developed in compatible way. Finding whether module dependencies can be satisfied in a repository with only compatible versions is obviously trivial.
But imagine glibc developers went mad and published an incompatible version. As that library is used by everyone, there would be quite a lot of NP-complete problems to solve.
Thus the [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete|NP-Complete nature of library versioning problem]] can also be seen as an advertisement for importance of [[BackwardCompatibility]]. While we keep it, we live in a simple world, as soon as we start to release big bang incompatible revisions, we'll encounter the NP complexity.
== Source Compatibility ==
== Source Compatibility ==

JaroslavTulach: /* Binary Compatibility */ - 2008-12-22 08:12:35

Binary Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 08:12, 22 December 2008
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This kind of compatibility is important for assemblers and users of final systems. They usually operated on compiled bits, download them from whatever site and then they expect these bits will work on their system. Usually two applications are often compiled against different versions of libraries, and only due to binary compatibility (if present) they can all successfully link on the final system.
This kind of compatibility is important for assemblers and users of final systems. They usually operated on compiled bits, download them from whatever site and then they expect these bits will work on their system. Usually two applications are often compiled against different versions of libraries, and only due to binary compatibility (if present) they can all successfully link on the final system.
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java_virtual_machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|ligua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them.
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java virtual machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|ligua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them. Probably the most important one is that all the [[Generics]] features of [[Java]] languages are stripped off and erased during compilation and are not present in the final class file (as of JDK5, JDK6).
== Functional Compatibility ==
== Functional Compatibility ==

JaroslavTulach: /* Functional Compatibility */ - 2008-12-21 15:25:37

Functional Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 15:25, 21 December 2008
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== Functional Compatibility ==
== Functional Compatibility ==
Two versions of the same library are ''functionally compatible'' if any code written, compiled and linked and executed against the older version can successfully be executed against the new version and produces the same result.
See also the [[APIFest08|API Fest]] game.
This kind of compatibility is quite tricky, as it covers a lot of [[Runtime Aspects of APIs]], yet in the end it is the most important one. In case of [[BackwardCompatibility]] we actually do not care that much whether our application compiles and links, but whether it really works, and only applications written against libraries that are ''functionally compatible'' can safely [[Upgradability|upgrade]] versions of their libraries without fear of becoming broken.
To get better feel for this kind of compatibility, play or read about the [[APIFest08|API Fest'08]] game.

JaroslavTulach: /* Binary Compatibility */ - 2008-12-21 15:20:30

Binary Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 15:20, 21 December 2008
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== Binary Compatibility ==
== Binary Compatibility ==
Two versions of the same library are ''binary compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled into appropriate binary form against older version of the library, can link (its binary form) with the newer version.
This kind of compatibility is important for assemblers and users of final systems. They usually operated on compiled bits, download them from whatever site and then they expect these bits will work on their system. Usually two applications are often compiled against different versions of libraries, and only due to binary compatibility (if present) they can all successfully link on the final system.
Keeping binary compatibility in [[Java]] needs a little bit of understanding of the [[wikipedia::Java_virtual_machine|Java_virtual_machine]]'s [[wikipedia::Lingua_franca|ligua franca]] - the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]]. The concepts of the [[wikipedia::Java bytecode|bytecode]] are very similar to concepts of [[Java]] language, yet there are differences. As discussed in [[Determining What Makes a Good API|Chapter 3]] it is quite important for a good [[API]] designer to understand them.
== Functional Compatibility ==
== Functional Compatibility ==

JaroslavTulach: /* Source Compatibility */ - 2008-12-21 15:09:47

Source Compatibility

←Older revision Revision as of 15:09, 21 December 2008
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== Source Compatibility ==
== Source Compatibility ==
Two versions of the same library are ''source compatible'' if any program written and successfully compiled against the older version can also be successfully compiled against the new version.
Obviously this means that one cannot remove or rename accessible objects in the [[API]] of the library. What has once been discovered needs to continue to [[Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:DiamondsVsStars|shine on]] and follow the rules of proper [[API Design]] until eternity.
However this kind of compatibility is not easy to reach in [[Java]], as also almost any addition can cause problems. Especially due to language constructs like wildcard import.
== Binary Compatibility ==
== Binary Compatibility ==