JaroslavTulach at 07:55, 9 March 2018 - 2018-03-09 07:55:49

←Older revision Revision as of 07:55, 9 March 2018
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[[Ruby]] was always known to be very slow language. Even when the hype around [[wikipedia:Ruby_on_Rails|Rails]] was on - e.g. around 2006, there was nobody who could make the language fast. The great news is that [[OracleLabs]] decided to demonstrate the power of their [[Truffle]] framework on [[Ruby]] and are working on a fast [[Ruby]] implementation. [[OracleLabs]] claim that their implementation is ten times faster than the standard [[Ruby]].
[[Ruby]] was always known to be very slow language. Even when the hype around [[wikipedia:Ruby_on_Rails|Rails]] was on - e.g. around 2006, there was nobody who could make the language fast. The great news is that [[OracleLabs]] decided to demonstrate the power of their [[Truffle]] framework on [[Ruby]] and are working on a fast [[Ruby]] implementation. [[OracleLabs]] claim that their implementation is ten times faster than the standard [[Ruby]].
I wanted to verify such claim. One thing is being faster in a benchmark, the other thing is to speed up real programs. That is why [[I]] decided to write my first [[Ruby]] program - the [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] and as following video demonstrates, [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] is really faster:
I wanted to verify such claim. One thing is being faster in a benchmark, the other thing is to speed up real programs. That is why [[I]] decided to write my first [[Ruby]] program - the [[Sieve of Eratosthenes]] and as following video demonstrates, [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] is really faster:

JaroslavTulach at 18:44, 18 November 2015 - 2015-11-18 18:44:49

←Older revision Revision as of 18:44, 18 November 2015
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However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. The explanation is easy - computing first thousands of primes is way easier that finding the next thousands ones. The [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] algorithm isn't linear. Only comparing the time to compute the same amount of primes makes sense. However such time comparison actually shows '''ten times''' speed up!
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. The explanation is easy - computing first thousands of primes is way easier that finding the next thousands ones. The [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] algorithm isn't linear. Only comparing the time to compute the same amount of primes makes sense. However such time comparison actually shows '''ten times''' speed up!
<source lang="ruby">
class Natural
def initialize
@x = 2
def next
return @x += 1
natural = Natural.new
class Filter
def initialize(number, filter)
@number = number
@filter = filter
def number
def filter
def accept(n)
filter = self
loop do
if (n % filter.number) == 0
return false
filter = filter.filter;
break if filter == nil
return true;
class Primes
def initialize(natural)
@natural = natural
@filter = nil;
def next
loop do
n = @natural.next
if (@filter == nil || @filter.accept(n))
@filter = Filter.new(n, @filter)
return n;
primes = Primes.new(natural)
puts "Press Ctrl-D to start..."
start = Time.now
cnt = 0
res = ""
puts "Working..."
loop do
p = primes.next
res << "#{p}\n"
cnt += 1
if cnt % 1000 == 0
puts res
puts "Computed #{cnt} primes in #{Time.now - start} s"
res = ""
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.

JaroslavTulach at 07:47, 7 October 2015 - 2015-10-07 07:47:58

←Older revision Revision as of 07:47, 7 October 2015
Line 7: Line 7:
Is [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] ten times faster? [https://youtu.be/ufShKmS5Ueo The video] shows that standard [[Ruby]] can compute about 5000 of prime numbers in 20s on my computer. The [[Truffle]] version was able to compute 17000 of primes. For a while I believed that this implies three times speed up. Not bad, but far less than the claim of being ten times faster.
Is [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] ten times faster? [https://youtu.be/ufShKmS5Ueo The video] shows that standard [[Ruby]] can compute about 5000 of prime numbers in 20s on my computer. The [[Truffle]] version was able to compute 17000 of primes. For a while I believed that this implies three times speed up. Not bad, but far less than the claim of being ten times faster.
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. The explanation is easy - computing first thousands of primes is way easier that finding the next thousands ones. The [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] algorithm isn't linear. Only comparing the time to compute the same amount of primes that makes a sense. However the time actually shows ten times speed up!
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. The explanation is easy - computing first thousands of primes is way easier that finding the next thousands ones. The [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] algorithm isn't linear. Only comparing the time to compute the same amount of primes makes sense. However such time comparison actually shows '''ten times''' speed up!
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.

JaroslavTulach at 12:21, 2 October 2015 - 2015-10-02 12:21:13

←Older revision Revision as of 12:21, 2 October 2015
Line 7: Line 7:
Is [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] ten times faster? [https://youtu.be/ufShKmS5Ueo The video] shows that standard [[Ruby]] can compute about 5000 of prime numbers in 20s on my computer. The [[Truffle]] version was able to compute 17000 of primes. For a while I believed that this implies three times speed up. Not bad, but far less than the claim of being ten times faster.
Is [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] ten times faster? [https://youtu.be/ufShKmS5Ueo The video] shows that standard [[Ruby]] can compute about 5000 of prime numbers in 20s on my computer. The [[Truffle]] version was able to compute 17000 of primes. For a while I believed that this implies three times speed up. Not bad, but far less than the claim of being ten times faster.
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. And that actually means ten times speed up!
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. The explanation is easy - computing first thousands of primes is way easier that finding the next thousands ones. The [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] algorithm isn't linear. Only comparing the time to compute the same amount of primes that makes a sense. However the time actually shows ten times speed up!
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.

JaroslavTulach at 12:02, 2 October 2015 - 2015-10-02 12:02:31

←Older revision Revision as of 12:02, 2 October 2015
Line 5: Line 5:
Is [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] ten times faster? [https://youtu.be/ufShKmS5Ueo The video] shows that standard [[Ruby]] can compute about 5000 of prime numbers in 20s on my computer. The [[Truffle]] version was able to compute 17000 of primes. For a while I believed that this implies three times speed up. Not bad, but far less than the claim of being ten times faster.
However once, while showing the demo, [[I]] forgot to kill the standard [[Ruby]] version. After three minutes [[I]] noticed that and to my surprise the standard version was still fighting with 15000th prime number - e.g. it takes at least 180s to compute what [[Truffle]] [[Ruby]] can in 20s. And that actually means ten times speed up!
[[Truffle]] gives [[Ruby]] the speed it always needed.

JaroslavTulach: New page: Ruby was always known to be very slow language. Even when the hype around Rails was on - e.g. around 2006, there was nobody who could make the language fast... - 2015-10-02 11:55:27

New page: Ruby was always known to be very slow language. Even when the hype around Rails was on - e.g. around 2006, there was nobody who could make the language fast...

New page

[[Ruby]] was always known to be very slow language. Even when the hype around [[wikipedia:Ruby_on_Rails|Rails]] was on - e.g. around 2006, there was nobody who could make the language fast. The great news is that [[OracleLabs]] decided to demonstrate the power of their [[Truffle]] framework on [[Ruby]] and are working on a fast [[Ruby]] implementation. [[OracleLabs]] claim that their implementation is ten times faster than the standard [[Ruby]].

I wanted to verify such claim. One thing is being faster in a benchmark, the other thing is to speed up real programs. That is why [[I]] decided to write my first [[Ruby]] program - the [[wikipedia:Sieve_of_Eratosthenes|sieve of Eratosthenes]] and as following video demonstrates, [[Truffle]] based [[Ruby]] is really faster:

