JaroslavTulach at 21:23, 2 August 2010 - 2010-08-02 21:23:05

←Older revision Revision as of 21:23, 2 August 2010
Line 15: Line 15:

JaroslavTulach: Undo revision 3277 by (Talk) - 2009-12-01 12:19:01

Undo revision 3277 by (Talk)

←Older revision Revision as of 12:19, 1 December 2009
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[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management of module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management of module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
<=== The need for Common Ground ===>
=== The need for Common Ground ===
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having [[closures]]? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having [[closures]]? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]]. /* The need for Common Ground */ - 2009-11-30 12:35:29

The need for Common Ground

←Older revision Revision as of 12:35, 30 November 2009
Line 8: Line 8:
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management of module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management of module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
=== The need for Common Ground ===
<=== The need for Common Ground ===>
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having [[closures]]? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having [[closures]]? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].

JaroslavTulach at 15:28, 28 November 2009 - 2009-11-28 15:28:30

←Older revision Revision as of 15:28, 28 November 2009
Line 10: Line 10:
=== The need for Common Ground ===
=== The need for Common Ground ===
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having closures? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having [[closures]]? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].

JaroslavTulach: /* A bit of math */ - 2009-10-27 09:12:31

A bit of math

←Older revision Revision as of 09:12, 27 October 2009
Line 6: Line 6:
=== A bit of math ===
=== A bit of math ===
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management on module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management of module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
=== The need for Common Ground ===
=== The need for Common Ground ===

JaroslavTulach at 08:53, 27 October 2009 - 2009-10-27 08:53:57

←Older revision Revision as of 08:53, 27 October 2009
Line 7: Line 7:
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management on module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management on module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.
=== The need for Common Ground ===
Do you wonder why certain people think [[Ruby]] is better than [[Java]]? Do you think it is due to [[Talk:Blogs:JaroslavTulach:Theory:LanguagesForEvolution|duck-typing]]? Due to having closures? Wrong, it is because [[Ruby]] has [[Gems]]. Listen to following screencast to get convinced that [[Java]] needs such [[Module system|common ground]] too. See it with your own eyes [[NetbinoxTutorial|in action]].

JaroslavTulach at 19:02, 16 October 2009 - 2009-10-16 19:02:03

←Older revision Revision as of 19:02, 16 October 2009
Line 1: Line 1:
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, managing [[dependencies]], deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, managing [[dependencies]], deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
In case one cares more about the build than execution, then have a look at [[Maven]].
In case one cares more about the build than execution, then have a look at [[Maven]]. In case your primary domain is packaging, then you are probably seeking for [[RPM]] or [[Debian]] solutions.

JaroslavTulach at 13:10, 16 October 2009 - 2009-10-16 13:10:37

←Older revision Revision as of 13:10, 16 October 2009
Line 1: Line 1:
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, managing [[dependencies]], deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
In case one cares more about the build than execution, then have a look at [[Maven]].
In case one cares more about the build than execution, then have a look at [[Maven]].

JaroslavTulach at 19:20, 13 September 2009 - 2009-09-13 19:20:01

←Older revision Revision as of 19:20, 13 September 2009
Line 1: Line 1:
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
In case one cares more about the build than execution, then have a look at [[Maven]].

JaroslavTulach at 08:02, 2 September 2009 - 2009-09-02 08:02:20

←Older revision Revision as of 08:02, 2 September 2009
Line 1: Line 1:
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
Specification and also an implementation for packaging, deploying and executing applications composed from pieces/modules. [[Java]] users can choose from [[OSGi]], [[NetBeans Runtime Container]] or possibly [[OSGiAndNetBeans|mix them]] together.
=== A bit of math ===
[[Module system]] design needs to face some tricky (e.g. [[NP-Complete]]) issues. Especially complex is management on module dependencies as described at [[LibraryReExportIsNPComplete]]. This can have various solutions (like [[LibraryWithoutImplicitExportIsPolynomial]]), but it also shows why good [[API]] design skills are needed and why [[BackwardCompatibility]] is important.