JaroslavTulach: /* Patterns for Modularity */ - 2010-10-03 15:31:27

Patterns for Modularity

←Older revision Revision as of 15:31, 3 October 2010
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Me and [[Toni Epple]] will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
Me and [[Toni Epple]] will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
== Patterns for Modularity ==
== [[Patterns for Modularity]] ==
* S314141
* S314141
Line 32: Line 32:
* Room: Market Street
* Room: Market Street
[[Modularity]] is (finally) topic for masses and I'll help its popularization by a small entré (into a session lead by Toni) describing importance of [[DCI]] in understanding concepts of modular world. I will also nit pick on [[Declarative Programming]] probably.
[[Modularity]] is (finally) topic for masses and I'll help its popularization by a small entré (into a [[Modularity_patterns|session]] lead by Toni) comparing [[DI]] and [[Injectable Singleton]]s. I will also nit pick on [[Declarative Programming]] a bit. The presentation is now available online. See [[Patterns for Modularity]].
== NetBeans Booth Duty ==
== NetBeans Booth Duty ==

JaroslavTulach at 23:33, 26 September 2010 - 2010-09-26 23:33:35

←Older revision Revision as of 23:33, 26 September 2010
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* Room: Divisidero
* Room: Divisidero
Me and Toni Epple will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
Me and [[Toni Epple]] will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
== Patterns for Modularity ==
== Patterns for Modularity ==

JaroslavTulach: /* Swing OSGi Modular Desktop Application Framework */ - 2010-09-19 22:13:15

Swing OSGi Modular Desktop Application Framework

←Older revision Revision as of 22:13, 19 September 2010
Line 19: Line 19:
* Time: 09:30 - 10:30
* Time: 09:30 - 10:30
* Venue: Parc 55
* Venue: Parc 55
* Room: Mission
* Room: Divisidero
Me and Toni Epple will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
Me and Toni Epple will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.

JaroslavTulach: /* Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers */ - 2010-09-13 15:54:04

Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers

←Older revision Revision as of 15:54, 13 September 2010
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* Room: Rm 300
* Room: Rm 300
I plan to demo [[netbeans:HowToUseUIGesturesCollectorInYourApp|gesture collector, exception reporter and slowness detector]] and its use in [[NetBeans Platform]] applications.
I plan to demo [[netbeans:HowToUseUIGesturesCollectorInYourApp|gesture collector, exception reporter and slowness detector]] and its use in [[NetBeans Platform]] applications. I plan to answer as many questions as possible. For example: How to run the [http://statistics.netbeans.org gestures server]? How to use this functionality in any desktop application? How to use [http://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc/org-openide-util/org/openide/util/doc-files/logging.html structured logging]? Plus any other that you'll bring with yourself.
== [[Swing]] [[OSGi]] Modular Desktop Application Framework ==
== [[Swing]] [[OSGi]] Modular Desktop Application Framework ==

JaroslavTulach at 15:51, 13 September 2010 - 2010-09-13 15:51:33

←Older revision Revision as of 15:51, 13 September 2010
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Here is list of talks and actions during [[JavaOne2010]] I will be participating.
Here is list of talks and actions during [[JavaOne2010]] I will be participating to.
== Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers ==
== Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers ==

JaroslavTulach: /* Domain-Specific Language Versus Library API Shootout */ - 2010-09-13 15:51:06

Domain-Specific Language Versus Library API Shootout

←Older revision Revision as of 15:51, 13 September 2010
Line 51: Line 51:
Stop by to learn something new! Me and Rich Unger will shoot each with arguments in favour or against [[DSL]]. I'll try to defend [[Java]]. I'll bring [[JDK]]6 with me and I will not be afraid to [[LiveDB|use it]]!
Stop by to learn something new! Me and Rich Unger will shoot each with arguments in favour or against [[DSL]]. I'll try to defend [[Java]]. I'll bring [[JDK]]6 with me and I will not be afraid to [[LiveDB|use it]]!

JaroslavTulach at 06:30, 9 September 2010 - 2010-09-09 06:30:19

←Older revision Revision as of 06:30, 9 September 2010
Line 33: Line 33:
[[Modularity]] is (finally) topic for masses and I'll help its popularization by a small entré (into a session lead by Toni) describing importance of [[DCI]] in understanding concepts of modular world. I will also nit pick on [[Declarative Programming]] probably.
[[Modularity]] is (finally) topic for masses and I'll help its popularization by a small entré (into a session lead by Toni) describing importance of [[DCI]] in understanding concepts of modular world. I will also nit pick on [[Declarative Programming]] probably.
== NetBeans Booth Duty ==
* Date: 22-SEP-10
* Time: 11:30 - 13:30
On Wednesday, Sep 22, 2010 I'll have duty on [[NetBeans]] booth. I'll be there around noon. Stop by for chat in case you don't manage to meet me elsewhere.
== [[DSL|Domain-Specific Language]] Versus Library [[API]] Shootout ==
== [[DSL|Domain-Specific Language]] Versus Library [[API]] Shootout ==

JaroslavTulach at 06:27, 9 September 2010 - 2010-09-09 06:27:44

←Older revision Revision as of 06:27, 9 September 2010
Line 1: Line 1:
ID#: S313545
Here is list of talks and actions during [[JavaOne2010]] I will be participating.
Title: Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers
Track: Desktop Java
Date: 20-SEP-10
Time: 21:30 - 22:15
Venue: Moscone South
Room: Rm 300
ID#: S313667
== Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers ==
Title: [[Swing]] [[OSGi]] Modular Desktop Application Framework
Track: Desktop Java
Date: 21-SEP-10
Time: 09:30 - 10:30
Venue: Parc 55
Room: Mission
ID#: S314141
* S313545
Title: Patterns for Modularity
* Track: Desktop Java
Track: Core Java Platform
* Date: 20-SEP-10
Date: 21-SEP-10
* Time: 21:30 - 22:15
Time: 18:00-18:45
* Venue: Moscone South
Venue: Parc 55
* Room: Rm 300
Room: Market Street
ID#: S313005
I plan to demo [[netbeans:HowToUseUIGesturesCollectorInYourApp|gesture collector, exception reporter and slowness detector]] and its use in [[NetBeans Platform]] applications.
Title: [[DSL|Domain-Specific Language]] Versus Library [[API]] Shootout
Track: Core Java Platform
== [[Swing]] [[OSGi]] Modular Desktop Application Framework ==
Date: 23-SEP-10
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
* S313667
Venue: Parc 55
* Track: Desktop Java
Room: Mission
* Date: 21-SEP-10
* Time: 09:30 - 10:30
* Venue: Parc 55
* Room: Mission
Me and Toni Epple will describe [[Netigso]] and [[Netbinox]] projects. Show how our work aligns with classical [[Swing]] principles, extends them and how it transfers them into [[OSGi]] world.
== Patterns for Modularity ==
* S314141
* Core Java Platform
* Date: 21-SEP-10
* Time: 18:00-18:45
* Venue: Parc 55
* Room: Market Street
[[Modularity]] is (finally) topic for masses and I'll help its popularization by a small entré (into a session lead by Toni) describing importance of [[DCI]] in understanding concepts of modular world. I will also nit pick on [[Declarative Programming]] probably.
== [[DSL|Domain-Specific Language]] Versus Library [[API]] Shootout ==
* S313005
* Track: Core Java Platform
* Date: 23-SEP-10
* Time: 12:30 - 13:30
* Venue: Parc 55
* Room: Mission
Stop by to learn something new! Me and Rich Unger will shoot each with arguments in favour or against [[DSL]]. I'll try to defend [[Java]]. I'll bring [[JDK]]6 with me and I will not be afraid to [[LiveDB|use it]]!

JaroslavTulach at 09:13, 7 September 2010 - 2010-09-07 09:13:14

←Older revision Revision as of 09:13, 7 September 2010
Line 18: Line 18:
Title: Patterns for Modularity
Title: Patterns for Modularity
Track: Core Java Platform
Track: Core Java Platform
Date: 22-SEP-10
Date: 21-SEP-10
Time: 14:15 - 15:00
Time: 18:00-18:45
Venue: Parc 55
Venue: Parc 55
Room: Cyril Magnin II
Room: Market Street
ID#: S313005
ID#: S313005

JaroslavTulach: New page: ID#: S313545 Title: Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers Track: Desktop Java Date: 20-SEP-10 Time: 21:30 - 22:15 Venue: Moscone South Room: Rm 300 ... - 2010-08-05 15:32:07

New page: ID#: S313545 Title: Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers Track: Desktop Java Date: 20-SEP-10 Time: 21:30 - 22:15 Venue: Moscone South Room: Rm 300 ...

New page

ID#: S313545
Title: Bridge the Gab Between Desktop Application Users and Developers
Track: Desktop Java
Date: 20-SEP-10
Time: 21:30 - 22:15
Venue: Moscone South
Room: Rm 300

ID#: S313667
Title: [[Swing]] [[OSGi]] Modular Desktop Application Framework
Track: Desktop Java
Date: 21-SEP-10
Time: 09:30 - 10:30
Venue: Parc 55
Room: Mission

ID#: S314141
Title: Patterns for Modularity
Track: Core Java Platform
Date: 22-SEP-10
Time: 14:15 - 15:00
Venue: Parc 55
Room: Cyril Magnin II

ID#: S313005
Title: [[DSL|Domain-Specific Language]] Versus Library [[API]] Shootout
Track: Core Java Platform
Date: 23-SEP-10
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Venue: Parc 55
Room: Mission