| The ([[Jersey]] and [[Grizzly]] based) server starts on port 8080. Just open your [[Chrome]] browser (there are some problems with [[Firefox]] and my use of '''XHR''''s ''POST'' method) and point it to ''http://localhost:8080''. In a few seconds, you should see a chat application running via the [[Bck2Brwsr]] [[VM]]. The message is represented by a [https://hg.java.net/hg/html~demo/file/65cadba2cf02/chat/model/src/main/java/org/apidesign/html/chatserver/model/MessageImpl.java Message] class and this class is the same on the server as well as in the browser. It is transmitted in a [[JSON]] format, but it can also contain additional (for example validation or presentation) logic. | | The ([[Jersey]] and [[Grizzly]] based) server starts on port 8080. Just open your [[Chrome]] browser (there are some problems with [[Firefox]] and my use of '''XHR''''s ''POST'' method) and point it to ''http://localhost:8080''. In a few seconds, you should see a chat application running via the [[Bck2Brwsr]] [[VM]]. The message is represented by a [https://hg.java.net/hg/html~demo/file/65cadba2cf02/chat/model/src/main/java/org/apidesign/html/chatserver/model/MessageImpl.java Message] class and this class is the same on the server as well as in the browser. It is transmitted in a [[JSON]] format, but it can also contain additional (for example validation or presentation) logic. |