JaroslavTulach at 11:34, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 11:34:37

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For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in many projects repositories. Binaries in a [[Git]]! Is that supposed to be a proper design?
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in many project repositories. Binaries in a [[Git]]! Is that supposed to be a proper design?
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles|files]] (like '''build.gradle''' & co.), don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles|files]] (like '''build.gradle''' & co.), don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!

JaroslavTulach at 06:22, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:22:39

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However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles|files]] (like '''build.gradle''' & co.), don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles|files]] (like '''build.gradle''' & co.), don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects build in a year or two (when the [[coolness]] majority switches to new version of [[Gradle]]), then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects build in a year or two (when the [[coolness]] attitude forces the majority to switch to new version of [[Gradle]]), then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!

JaroslavTulach at 06:21, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:21:23

←Older revision Revision as of 06:21, 22 June 2021
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For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in many projects repositories. Binaries in a [[Git]]! Is that supposed to be a proper design?
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in many projects repositories. Binaries in a [[Git]]! Is that supposed to be a proper design?
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles|files]] (like '''build.gradle''' & co.), don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects build in a year or two (when the [[coolness]] majority switches to new version of [[Gradle]]), then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects build in a year or two (when the [[coolness]] majority switches to new version of [[Gradle]]), then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!

JaroslavTulach at 06:20, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:20:14

←Older revision Revision as of 06:20, 22 June 2021
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For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in projects repositories.
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in many projects repositories. Binaries in a [[Git]]! Is that supposed to be a proper design?
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!

JaroslavTulach at 06:17, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:17:04

←Older revision Revision as of 06:17, 22 June 2021
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However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects build in a year or two (when the [[coolness]] majority switches to new version of [[Gradle]]), then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!

JaroslavTulach at 06:15, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:15:58

←Older revision Revision as of 06:15, 22 June 2021
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However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
By specifying version of [[Gradle]] to use in each project in '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' one follows the best practice advocated by me. Given relatively frequent incompatibilities between various versions of [[Gradle]] the conclusion must be strong: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then: Whenever you create a [[Gradle]] project - make sure it contains the wrapper and exactly specifies the [[Gradle]] version!
By including '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' in each project and specifying the '''right''' version of [[Gradle]] to use one follows the best practice advocated by [[TheAPIBook]]. Let's make the conclusion clear: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then always use the [[GradleWrapper]] and exactly specify the [[Gradle]] version!

JaroslavTulach at 06:13, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:13:26

←Older revision Revision as of 06:13, 22 June 2021
Line 1: Line 1:
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in projects repositories.
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in projects repositories.
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a correct solution! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a solid solution to address the (relatively frequent) incompatibilities between [[Gradle]] versions! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
By specifying version of [[Gradle]] to use in each project in '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' one follows the best practice advocated by me. Given relatively frequent incompatibilities between various versions of [[Gradle]] the conclusion must be strong: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then: Whenever you create a [[Gradle]] project - make sure it contains the wrapper and exactly specifies the [[Gradle]] version!
By specifying version of [[Gradle]] to use in each project in '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' one follows the best practice advocated by me. Given relatively frequent incompatibilities between various versions of [[Gradle]] the conclusion must be strong: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then: Whenever you create a [[Gradle]] project - make sure it contains the wrapper and exactly specifies the [[Gradle]] version!

JaroslavTulach at 06:12, 22 June 2021 - 2021-06-22 06:12:22

←Older revision Revision as of 06:12, 22 June 2021
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For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. Seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in some projects used to drive me nuts.
For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. There are various reasons and every detail then counts. One can get quite sensitive even when seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in projects repositories.
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a correct solution! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!
However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a correct solution! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!

JaroslavTulach: New page: For years I seem to have troubles adopting proper Gradle's ''way of life'' as my Gradle post reveals in deep details. Seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a ... - 2021-06-22 06:07:56

New page: For years I seem to have troubles adopting proper Gradle's ''way of life'' as my Gradle post reveals in deep details. Seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a ...

New page

For years [[I]] seem to have troubles adopting proper [[Gradle]]'s ''way of life'' as my [[Gradle]] post reveals in deep details. Seeing the '''gradlew''', '''gradlew.bat''' scripts and a [[JAR]] file called '''gradle-wrapper.jar''' in some projects used to drive me nuts.

However, in the context of [[APIDesign]] and particularly the [[PropertyFiles]] discussion, it is necessary to admit that using [[Gradle]] wrapper is a correct solution! The [[PropertyFiles]] essay concludes that ''When you design an [[API]] based on [[PropertyFiles]], don't forget to include a version identifier in it. Only then your [[API]] becomes ready for [[evolution]]''!

By specifying version of [[Gradle]] to use in each project in '''gradle-wrapper.properties''' one follows the best practice advocated by me. Given relatively frequent incompatibilities between various versions of [[Gradle]] the conclusion must be strong: If you want to be sure your [[Gradle]] projects builds in a year or two, then: Whenever you create a [[Gradle]] project - make sure it contains the wrapper and exactly specifies the [[Gradle]] version!
