JaroslavTulach at 08:34, 9 March 2018 - 2018-03-09 08:34:12

←Older revision Revision as of 08:34, 9 March 2018
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[[OracleLabs]] implements [[FastR]] version of the [[R]] [[language]] - see [https://github.com/graalvm/fastr/]. The [[FastR]] is built on top of [[Truffle]] and [[GraalVM]] and is enormously fast.
[[OracleLabs]] implements [[FastR]] version of the [[R]] [[language]] - see [https://github.com/graalvm/fastr/ the github project] pages. The [[FastR]] is built on top of [[Truffle]] and [[GraalVM]] and is enormously fast.

JaroslavTulach at 08:33, 9 March 2018 - 2018-03-09 08:33:46

←Older revision Revision as of 08:33, 9 March 2018
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[[OracleLabs]] implements [[FastR]] version of the [[R]] [[language]]. The [[FastR]] is built on top of [[Truffle]] and [[GraalVM]] and is enormously fast.
[[OracleLabs]] implements [[FastR]] version of the [[R]] [[language]] - see [https://github.com/graalvm/fastr/]. The [[FastR]] is built on top of [[Truffle]] and [[GraalVM]] and is enormously fast.

JaroslavTulach: New page: OracleLabs implements FastR version of the R language. The FastR is built on top of Truffle and GraalVM and is enormously fast. - 2018-03-09 08:32:17

New page: OracleLabs implements FastR version of the R language. The FastR is built on top of Truffle and GraalVM and is enormously fast.

New page

[[OracleLabs]] implements [[FastR]] version of the [[R]] [[language]]. The [[FastR]] is built on top of [[Truffle]] and [[GraalVM]] and is enormously fast.